Wednesday, August 4, 2010

The bus and carriage that couldn't slow me down

Today was a great ride. It's been a while since I've felt this good about a ride and the way I feel afterward. Kind of like taking a huge dump and not having to wipe more than once.

With the aid of music, I was able to burn through my four miles quickly and efficiently. I don't think I stopped at one light until I got to Albany Street.

"Ghost" was on the playlist toward the top. I love hearing it as I take 31st to 9th. There's now a giant b&w billboard of Jennifer Aniston in a standing yoga stretch pose promoting water at 30th and 9th. She is aging like wine.

Last nite at the gym I saw I weighed 159 pounds and was momentarily discouraged but beat the hell out of my abs as punishment for 3 days of gluttony. I must've done the right thing because I was just going too fast for most of the cars on the road. I didn't even have to stop to cross the highway (to get on to it).

I was able to preserve a Morning Ride playlist and as I got to Chelsea Piers the best one-two punch of songs came on -- "Porch" by Pearl Jam and "Ride On" by Parliament. See, it doesn't need to be insanely intense all the time but it has to be energetic and show the skills of the musicians and the lyricist.

Last nite, wife, parents and I had a major discussion of future events with regard to long-term dwelling arrangements (not living with them again) and I think that's what was the big push this morning. It's a heavy topic and it's overwhelming and I had a lot of mental energy to burn this morning. I started thinking about children -- I will have children in the not-too-distant future but I've deluded myself in to thinking that my wife will give birth and we'll take home a five-year-old (of indeterminate gender) with a big mouth, a passion for sports and comic books and a wild imagination. I know for a fact when you have a kid, most people ask you about him/her to just relay/compare info about their own -- most times they're not trying to one-up you but it's a force of habit. When they do that to us, I can't wait to say, "but you asked about MY KID!" I know 60-year-old women who do this now about their loser children who are my age.

As I hit Chambers Street today, I could not be stopped. A bus was about to come through it but I had plenty of time to get through, and I pushed even harder and yelled out something incomprehensible but it was along the lines of Face's "Adios, motherfu--" (mercifully cut like that, I'm guessing, to keep it PG-13) in the A-Team movie. Hey, fuck you, that movie rocked! As I was successfully crossing the street, I yelled again: "Lady, look UP!" A mom or nanny with a phone to her ear while pushing a stroller through the obviously marked bikers' lane was having a conversation so intense she was moving at snail-like speed. Yes, I'm yelling, but I can't stop, won't stop and I don't want to hit you or your baby on the way. Give me all the nasty looks you want and yell back, at least you're not hurt. I'm yelling out of self-preservation and genuine concern.

Ate real food and skipped dessert last nite (did have a late-night bowl of cereal though, Total Cinnamon Crunch sprinkled with Cinnamon Roll dessert-protein). I think I did the whole thing today in abouth 20 minutes. Stop thinking about the past. Eat well and envision the future and you'll move well. Thank you for reading. Adios, Motherfu---

Track list today:
Burden in My Hand - Soundgarden (b/w docking in Penn and getting on to 31st)
Ghost - Slash/Ian Astbury
Porch - Pearl Jam
Ride On - Parliament
Burned Bridges - Living Colour
Joker & The Thief - Wolfmother

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