Wednesday, February 23, 2011

I am the one-gloved man

It was a cold one this morning, even moreso because I only had one glove today and it was the thin Yankees one. I was able to change to a Track 1 train on Jamaica so I shaved a couple minutes off the commute with that.

I rode one-armed about half the time the other half my hand was buried in the kangaroo pouch in front. Over at 29th & 10th they are digging up the road and I will have to remember that for tomorrow.

I'm a little weary due to a disrupted slumber but had my coffee on the train. Not a whole lot in my head today as I'd just like to be out of the cold. Over at Leroy Street all the sound from the street died down and I could really zero in on "Turn It Again" by RHCP. I know I've mentioned this song before but the solo is just too good. I have love affairs with a bunch of the 28 songs off Stadium Arcadium, all of which are just reflective of my mood. Sometimes it's hard for me to stop listening to "Hey" or "Desecration Smile" and other times when I hear "21st Century" it's like I'm still 12 and this is all still new to me.

I am unknowingly speaking the lyrics to "Illumination" today -- I like the beatbox version better, believe it or not.

I read a JSA: Green Lantern tpb today which was pretty good. The middle story was the best one.

I may begin reading Walden today. We'll see how I'm doing.

Thank you for reading.

Anthrax - "Tester"
The Answer - "The Doctor"
COC - "Congratulations Song"
Metallica - "2x4"
RHCP - "Turn It Again"
Rollins Band - "Illumination"

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

the girl in the pink & white polka dot dress

It's been another lull in writing, though I haven't missed a day on the bike since Feb 3.

Last Friday was a weird tease, becuase it was nearly 60 degrees out by the time I left for the day. It was warm enough for me to ride in just a long sleeve tee and shorts. I timed myself on Thursday and made it back to Penn in 19 minutes, which I replicated on Friday.

Today, though, was a return to the cold ways of old, but remarkably I made the 8:13 train in (there were lots of spots but only in the 2nd lot). On my way out I took the 33rd Street exit and as I moved west I find myself being pulled to the beautiful young woman plastered aside a building. The 300-foot woman in question is wearing a pink & white polka dot dress and wants me to buy a cell phone. I will not buy it unless she asks me personally but she certainly has the "girl next door" type quality though I never lived beside a girl who looked that way.

The ride down was a little chilly but thankfully not very windy and I moved relatively quickly. I worked out very hard over the past 3 days (yesterday was a national holiday) so though my legs are a little sore it wasn't enough to make it feel as though I was trudging down the highway. It's too sunny and mostly pleasant to listen to anything too heavy or hectic so I went with the middle of Blood Sugar Sex Magik starting with "Mellowship" through "Greeting Song." I remember reading in Scar Tissue that Anthony hates the latter and will not play it. That's strange because it is probably funk rock at its best. I used to be able to play it on bass -- probably still could if I rehearsed it a couple of times. It's fast but not too too hard.

Since finishing Farewell to Arms, I've read Breakfast of Champions and The Sirens of Titan by Vonnegut and read The Old Man and the Sea this past weekend. Today I read the Battlin' Jack Murdock tpb which is a Daredevil mini-series. It was better than I thought it'd be though it was mostly done in the film, which is under-rated itself.

Though my legs are a little sore I am feeling quite good and agile. My last massage on the old plan was yesterday and though the therapist was really good I think there's still some tightness below my left shoulder blade. It might be the way I sleep.

Thank you for reading.

Friday, February 4, 2011

A couple of lucky breaks in the cold

Today was an interesting morning.
After parking the car on the street I was able to make it to the station with a few minutes to spare when I realized my mouth-scarf (?) was no longer on my person. I looked down the tracks and didn't see the headlight so I darted back toward the car and thankfully found it (it hadn't been run over) and made the mad dash back for the train, which I just made.
Then, after changing trains at Jamaica, they canceled the local stops which totally rocked. That was all due to "police activity."
So anyway, it wasn't long before I got on the road that I knew either (a) I was getting more out of shape or (b) the tire was low. Sure enough it was the latter, but I persevered. It wasn't flat, just a little low, so that could be attributed to the fact that it hasn't been used since Monday night. It did slow me down, too, though.
The weather (at least, in the morning) kept me from riding Tues & Weds and we attended a show last night, so that was out of the question, also. I realize that while I'm still at roughly 156 pounds I am not in the shape I had been in 6 months ago. The past 3 weeks have not been conducive for me and the folding bike -- between the weather and the flat tire. The problem is the timing, as it comes on the heels of my birthday, which means I've been eating well but not getting all the cardio to which I'd been accustomed. I have integrated sprinting into my gym workouts which certainly helps and I would like to resume running during lunch next week at least once.
I had considered going to the same bike shop from a couple of weeks ago to re-inflate the tire but I thought it better to take care of that during lunch.
I'm not as tired as I thought I'd be (and thankfully did not have dreams/nightmares of ripped men in drag due to last nite's show of "La Cage") but I'm sure the cold is ensuring that mindset. I am hoping to clock off more miles next week, which will thankfully be abridged due to the holiday. I am within the final 60 or so pages of A Farewell to Arms which is a great read. A friend lent me a Vonnegut paperback which I'll probably start either next week or after another book.

Thank you for reading.

Foo Fighters - "Word Forward"
Metallica - "Cyanide," "2 x 4"
Living Colour - "New Jack Theme"
Metallica - "Trapped Under Ice"