Wednesday, February 23, 2011

I am the one-gloved man

It was a cold one this morning, even moreso because I only had one glove today and it was the thin Yankees one. I was able to change to a Track 1 train on Jamaica so I shaved a couple minutes off the commute with that.

I rode one-armed about half the time the other half my hand was buried in the kangaroo pouch in front. Over at 29th & 10th they are digging up the road and I will have to remember that for tomorrow.

I'm a little weary due to a disrupted slumber but had my coffee on the train. Not a whole lot in my head today as I'd just like to be out of the cold. Over at Leroy Street all the sound from the street died down and I could really zero in on "Turn It Again" by RHCP. I know I've mentioned this song before but the solo is just too good. I have love affairs with a bunch of the 28 songs off Stadium Arcadium, all of which are just reflective of my mood. Sometimes it's hard for me to stop listening to "Hey" or "Desecration Smile" and other times when I hear "21st Century" it's like I'm still 12 and this is all still new to me.

I am unknowingly speaking the lyrics to "Illumination" today -- I like the beatbox version better, believe it or not.

I read a JSA: Green Lantern tpb today which was pretty good. The middle story was the best one.

I may begin reading Walden today. We'll see how I'm doing.

Thank you for reading.

Anthrax - "Tester"
The Answer - "The Doctor"
COC - "Congratulations Song"
Metallica - "2x4"
RHCP - "Turn It Again"
Rollins Band - "Illumination"

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