Monday, October 31, 2011

Ride 501

Cold this morning. My hands were raw and red before I even made it to Oside station.

I began reading Crime and Punishment on the train and it will be a monumental undertaking. It has been a long while since I've read anything (in one sitting) that was more than 200 pgs so this will keep me occupied and if I don't feel like reading it I will resume the writing project. The best part thus far is that I don't know the plot and have averted my gaze from the back cover, so it's up to me. But I can see already the influence this had on Perec.

I was able to hit the gym and work my pecs and tris yesterday, as well as my thighs and calves. My bag is tight and heavy today but I am ok. My calves are a little sore, actually, from the ladder work and from the calf raises so that is why I'm 50/50 on a lunch run today.

Yesterday's benching results: @185 - 4 sets of 6 / @ 155 - 1 set of 12.

This weather typically denotes a rough time for me for no reason other than big-babyness. I love the summer and not only is it over, but its successor is seemingly done, too. It snowed on Saturday, so there you have it. Millions have no power but I'm in good shape.

I drove to a bike store on Saturday to try out a new folding bike and the alloy one is wonderful and much lighter than my current one. Since I couldn't really test ride it on Saturday I promised I'd come back and try it out. I found the same model and a better one closer to the house for much less money so I will work something out.

Going to over dress (in terms of warmth) this week. Also going to try to rest up.

Thank you for reading.

String quartet - "Layla" "Bellbottom Blues"
Chickenfoot - "Last Temptation" "Alright Alright" "Different Devil" "Up Next"

Friday, October 28, 2011

The Big the C-O-L-D

This one-way ride technically makes it the 500th round trip but this can just be roundtrip day #500.

It's friggin cold this morning. I have my new Halloween mask in my bag and I would wear it for the ride but the gremlin/person sticks out of the right side so only the Hudson River vagabonds and pelicans would take notice.

I read my Philosophy Now! and an article about Darwin and the theory of evolution and how over the years he is credited for the theory's inception, which isn't wholly accurate, and the difference between a fact and a theory and evidence and evidence gaps. Pretty fascinating stuff, insightful b/c they are also getting in to the semantic meanings of words.

I crunched some #s regarding this milestone and here are some rough estimates.

If a round trip is 200 calories, then 200 x 500 = 100,000

One pound = 3500 cal.

100,000/3500 = 28.5 lbs burned. -- That math is pretty accurate. I'm down about 20-22 lbs from when I started, and I reckon I've put on and taken off a few and considering the way I tend to eat, it makes sense. I've shaved a few extra pounds off in the past 6 weeks and a lot of that is due to running.

Coincidentally, if I have 7 miles roundtrip, then today I've hit my 3,500th mile. I think that means I've gone to Fla and back.

Money --- Now here's an interesting sub-topic. To begin with, let's see how much I've not-spent in total. I don't have the exact date when the cost of a one-way subway ride went from 2bucks to 2.25, but I'll be conservative.

Let's say one full year in to the commitment, the price jumped.

So 100 RT days x $4 = $400.
The 400 remaining RT days x $4.50 = $1800.
Total not spent = $2,200 (est.)

There have been some setbacks, of course. Losses were incurred for gear and flats and even tuneups. I haven't kept an accurate tally of these sorts of things. Let's say - at worst - $1000.

That's $1,200 not spent/saved in 3.25 years.
$400 a year. I'm happier with the money and without the gut. Not to say there's not work still to be done. If you're committed and can stick it out and can make it work for you.

This week alone I didn't spend $18 thanks to a loaner.

Listening to RHCP circa - BSSM. Today was a first: at the crossing at WSH, a cabbie let out a fare. First time for everything.

Thank you for reading.

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Redd's Blues In the Rain

Not a great day for a ride, but my new motto is, if I can hear it on the roof, then it might be too heavy for a ride. But the rain isn't heavy and the wind isn't blowing very much at all so this worked out well.

Am listening to a slightly obscure Blue Note album by Freddie Redd, called Redd's Blues. This one has a trumpet and tenor sax, as opposed to Shades of Redd, which features alto and tenor sax and no trumpet. I can see why he wasn't thrilled with this recording but it is still pretty good. Hubbard is on trumpet here but the playing seems a little disjointed at times. There's a track that I think is supposed to sound like a New Orleans big band but isn't fully conveying the message. You can hear the difference in his playing and his piano compositions as opposed to Horace Silver, who is more upbeat and tighter and doesn't just have everyone immediately stop to allow for a bass solo.

I am curious to see what type of fallout there is from the production mistake of 2 nites ago. I am confident I handled myself and the situation correctly and professionally and let's see if the person who did the "copy the higher-ups on this message" move comes to better sense and apologizes to me for throwing me under the bus.

I did channel my feelings about this betrayal at the gym last nite and as far as benching was concerned: at 185 lbs, I did 8, 7, 6 and at 155, 10 reps. I'm at 154 lbs now and the amped up running is probably more effective than all the ab work.

I'm too tough to be deterred by some rain. It's little more than a drizzle and the water from the Hudson is coming up pretty high to my right. It won't flood, though. At least not now.

If it's raining hard later, I'll take the bike on the subway (not sure how much it can handle, and I don't want to find out) to Atl. Either way, this one-way ride puts me at 499 and tomorrow, which promises to be nicer, will be #500.

The blister on my foot never surfaced, even after my 5k last nite.

Thank you for reading.

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

the partial page

The ride back was more hurried than normal, as I left @ 530 on the dot. Getting to the bus depot was bad as I took Liberty St. and got caught up b/w marchers and pedestrians. Then I was stuck behind a bus that spewed out malice in the form of black smoke. Right on me.

I hustled really fast once I got around the bus at the chain stop and weaved in and out of traffic. Since I know the location of most of the potholes on my route, I've saved my prostate some trouble.

Too many people are in my lane too frequently. They walk, then look.

I am a little PO'd about someone at work essentially throwing me under the bus and doing that "respond to an email and copy all the higher-ups to express my anger" move, which I abhor more than marketing department cronies who exhibit awful interpersonal skills (so how can they effectively handle any PR/Marketing work with outside connections if they cannot speak to a co-worker?). Someone whose camaraderie I truly value did that email maneuver and the irony is that not only am I taking the high road and giving that person a day to think about what they've done and apologize, but the good people in my corner who know I did right by everyone today went to bat for me, and even Smithers has to back me up, which should speak volumes.

Some people I've met take mistakes too personally -- and I understand that to a point b/c it involves business (which = $), but to blindly start swinging rather than make a phone call and have a candid conversation is in poor taste. I never do that to people anymore -- learned the hard way in college once or twice. It's odd b/c that's sort of the old mentality of my former(?) part-time job which goes back to my teenage years. For a time I thought that was normal and that's how you ran a business. But it's really just looking for a verbal punching bag and accomplishes nothing. Let's see how that plays out.

I was already scheduled to hit the gym tonite and now I've truly earned it. To tell the truth, the vindication came today from my immediate supervisor and the confidence I have in knowing I did the right thing today and handled things to the best of my ability. It's not like when Smithers talks about "memorializing" things and I want to reach through his mouth only to be momentarily forgotten that if I reach far enough, I won't hit the top of a spine. I'm more upset that I think I cannot trust someone who I thought I could.

Thank you for reading.

"...he doesn't live here anymore..."

Today was pretty much identical to yesterday only perhaps a bit warmer. It looks like it's going to rain at some point and at least I've had the good sense to bring the lock for the bike today.

I wrote more thoughts for my stage book.

I woke up and realized that I'm developing a pretty voluminous blister on my left foot so I'm doubling my socks. I don't have solid plans to run today but I might at the gym tonite. The goal is to match my mileage from last week, which was pretty high.

A new stove is on its way to my house and the old one was scavenged but at least I had the good sense to keep parts of it for scrap metal re-sale.

Listening to Chris Cornell's Carry On. Having playlists tends to kill the idea of just listening to an album you don't hear much of anymore, so this is a welcome change. I personally think his work in Audioslave and to a lesser extent, his solo work, is more engaging than Soundgarden but now that my expectations are lower, if they have a new album it might be really good. Superunkown has highs and lows -- for every "My Wave" and "Spoonman" there's a "Limo Wreck" and "Half."

Mostly just want to get this all over with today. Had a weird nightmare-ish dream about Life: A User's Manual. Reminded of it as I passed the meatpacking district and looked up and behind me at the Hennessy ad.

Thank you for reading.

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

The old bike that keeps on giving

Yesterday's unpleasantness in the morning forced me to abandon my own bike and keep it in the basement and borrow my father in law's old folding Dahon, which moves deceptively quick. The wheels are smaller for sure but that is tempered by the fact that there are gears. This is the same bike I had last year while caught in a tornado that knocked down trees and, soaked, had to get on an E train and catch near-hypothermia. I will clean the dust off it at work but otherwise it should suit me fine. I made it downtown really really fast (before 930) so my only concern is the return ride(s) as the seat is solid as a rock, and no matter how many Brazilian nuts I might eat, my prostate will feel the impact of running over a pothole. Another detail for me to keep in mind is the wheel-stand, which I will just not use, as I don't want to break it again.

Listening to the final tracks off Chickenfoot III, from "Three and a Half Letters" to the end.

I started writing again this morning. This time it's a stage show that I have discussed with a friend about what not to do and so long as it's not too much about apathy, I can make it something I'd want to see. It's about two people biking to work in opposite directions.

I ran 11.5 miles on Sunday, and I can feel it a little in my calves, but I'm fine.

Last week was incredibly difficult for me to wake up in the morning and after two consec. days of flat tires, I made it my business to wake up on time.

The return ride is the concern, and one that will be conquered.

Thank you for reading.

Friday, October 21, 2011

the ride that never really happened.

The disclaimer in my blog is typically implied by the fact that I obviously get to a computer to blog about my bicycling-commuting exploits. A truly tragic loss occurred last nite (suffered directly by a co-worker) and unless I ever go through the pain he and his family have, I will not even attempt to comprehend what they've experienced. Maybe when I have a child, I'll have a glimpse of it, and hopefully never go through it first-hand. All I can say is how truly sorry I am for their loss. Beyond that .... [ ]

My ride this morning never really happened. I dreamed that the rear wheel would be flat. I don't know how or why I dreamed that -- but I tend to dream these self-fulfilling prophecies about car and bike tires (Syracuse, anyone?) but I ignored it as I didn't remember it until I got up to Penn. I ran over something last nite on the way home to the house and I heard a snap but that was on the front wheel. My ride to the train was fine. The only giveaway I can conjure is the way it sat evenly on the train in front of me as I was on the single pull-down seat. But that's not that obvious, b/c you can change the height of the bike seat. But for the first time ever my handheld bike pump worked and I convinced myself that I could ride it as far as I could several times on the way west and south and lose 10 minutes at most. Why should I concede defeat and take the subway right then and there?

So I deluded myself and gave in to my Darwinian instincts and then wanted to gnaw at my own flesh when I realized, upon crossing the Highway and making it all of 5 blocks, that it wouldn't work. The tire was shot.

I proceeded to walk it back to 23rd and took the 1 downtown. The station/stop itself is exactly the thing I aim to avoid on a daily basis. Smelled like someone gave a first-class, scalding shower to a dead turtle and used vomit to custom-coat its shell.

There's a bike shop closer to the office that I'll have to visit during lunch. This doesn't count as a ride, per se, as I didn't ride very far at all (Lt. Dan could've made it to Wall Street quicker than I could've) and I spent the dough on the subway. I just want a new, slightly better bike at this point. One that can withstand more of a beating. I'll spend a few hundred just to avoid all this.

At least COC is opening for Danzig in a week.

Thank you for reading.

Thursday, October 20, 2011

The Irresistible Force

I was soaked yesterday riding both ways, which I realize is a tougher trip b/c of the extra weight on my legs and slicker roads. I don't regret riding round trip but I will concede that I wasn't doing it in a drizzle.

Having had my intense reading done for just a little while, I took the 2nd Jim Norton book with me over Dostoyevsky's Crime & Punishment. Even if I don't finish Norton's book right now, I need a funny distraction and it is meeting my expectations. I couldn't really even get through the new MH last nite.

Smithers is out today and all is well. I feel less rushed, which is great, b/c I have overslept every day this week. I am a little stressed out and hopefully I can burn some of it out today and certainly this weekend. This is the second morning in a row I've slept through the new Jane's Addiction album. That's not to denigrate the album, which though in the same vain, is almost as good as Strays, but to emphasize the depths of my slumber.

The Great Escape Artist leaves behind the raw intensity of the first two albums. If you are looking for the slow, oddball rock songs like "Three Days" or even the wonderful "Summertime Rolls," then navigate through your IPOD and find it b/c it's not here. These are rock songs with an increased use of keyboards. Navarro's guitars are not as distorted as they've been known to be on many tracks. Still they are good and I'm sure they will grow on me. I want a new, upbeat, "un-metal" biking soundtrack and I have it. Between this, Chickenfoot & RHCP I am good for a while.

Despite the winds, I have moved very quickly downtown. It's nice to have some daylight.

Thank you for reading.

Wednesday, October 19, 2011


It's raining.
Big deal.
"Just a little rain."
I can take anything you throw at me and spit right back out at you.

This, like most other things, is just part of the journey and if it's my journey today, then so be it. It's no longer about money anymore. It used to be but I'm realizing that though it's important, it's not the prime concern, it's more about racking up the numbers and the feeling of completion.

There are some other hardcore constituents here today:

The black jogger who looks like Angelo Moore, only with hair on his head;
The Skeet Ulrich handle-bar mustache biker;
Some other runners who I see periodically. One new one is a mom pushing her kids on the stroller (it's hooded/roofed).
We are side by side.

Someone posted photos of me as an adolescent yesterday with people who are now ghosts. I have no need for these things nor memories, anymore. I don't hate the people I'm posing with. I used to think I did but I realized recently that the point of it all is to let go of those feelings. "Another day I pray to let go of hate..../I search for inner peace..." - are the lyrics I hear internally as I pass the WFC. Maybe it's b/c I attended a religious sermon recently, I don't know but though I'm not a religious person I am a thinker and I'm trying to become a better one.

I can feel the water in my socks but I am determined to see everything through. This cannot stop me. I've been through worse and I can take it all.

No music. Not safe and probably unnecessary.

There is something to be said about how if you change your physical being - then there is a physio-biological, and pseudo-spiritual change that accompanies it (and probably vice versa). I can tell from what I've experienced that it can happen and it does, and my confidence level is increased wherever I go. No more shying away from challenges. No more fear of failure.

Thank you for reading.

Tuesday, October 18, 2011


About 30 pgs to go with The Rum Diary, as I see its movie poster above a parking lot on 31st and 8th.

I ran the Boardwalk "recently" -- 2 round trips, which makes it b/w 8.5 and 9 mi. Did it in the same time - 70 minutes. I feel only moderate soreness in a few small areas in my legs and calves and that's all. I'm ready for the next step. I will piece it all together and make it something meaningful. I am pretty bulletproof and Hawaii is in my sights.

Having seen "The Way" and the adaptation of "Into The Wild," I am ready for my own inward/outward journey.

Listening to songs off my Dulli & Lanegan playlist. I don't think the new tunes on the Afghan Whigs' "Retrospective" sound anything like the Whigs. They sound like Twilight Singers. They are good songs, I've got no gripe about the quality of the music but they are on the wrong collection.

The new Jane's Addiction comes out today. I'm moderately excited about it. I will probably pick it up today. I have a feeling the new Screaming Trees will be harder to come by.

I met the Solipsist on Friday and it was pretty intense. It's been a long time since I have been nervous so I guess I was due -- and it showed. Hopefully I'll get another chance.

Thank you for reading.

Friday, October 14, 2011

Ready to meet the Solipsist.

Had originally intended to call out today, as I'd anticipated a late nite last nite, and it was. Had tickets for "Sister Act" and it was certainly entertaining. But after those tickets were secured, two happenings convinced me to tough it out: 1) a key member of our skeleton crew would be out, so I'd potentially abandon those close to me, and 2) Rollins is going to be at a bookstore not far from the office at 7. I have Solipsist and 2 CD covers with me. It dawns on me that I might catch him downstairs later, as Tom Morello was there yesterday. That was cool and it became easy to see how you can get swept up in it when someone like that is there leading you on.

So rather than take a day that involves schlepping back here, let's hold on to it for just a bit longer.

That brings me to 33rd Street. Listening to a couple of Avenged Sevenfold tunes I tend to avoid for no reason. I have about half of City Of Evil on my workout playlist and it's getting a bit predictable. I'm a little groggy, as I only had a cup of tea and cereal so far but I'm feeling good. I really lucked out b/c it started to rain as I was getting on the train today and I didn't bring sweatpants but I am fortunate that it's only warm and humid for now.

I changed over to I'm With You again. I'm not angry at all and just want to move and get on with things.

I am really enjoying The Rum Diary. I had only a general idea of its premise but it's engaging b/c I feel like I am reading about myself in another decade and location. I don't know if I could hack it with the conditions and the drinking, it's not so much about that, but it's more the idea of wanting to take flight and the right to live comfortably. Kemp is 30 in the story and working for a foreign, English-language newspaper so I can relate on a demographic level. The dull phenomena of being "comfortably detached" is a succinct way of describing the way I oftentimes feel. I have rare, wonderful moments where the feeling is alien, but five days a week that is a prevalent state of consciousness.

I have moved remarkably fast. I would've made the WSH light but my left lace got tangled. Still, between that and using a men's room. I'm moving quicker than when I take the 813. Maybe the trains come in at the same time now, I couldn't say but I am light and swift.

Hoping to get my picture and autograph after I buy a new book. Looking forward to a good day and some coffee and maybe a run if the weather holds up at 1.

Thank you for reading.

Wednesday, October 12, 2011


I took the FDR Drive pathway home. It starts at the Seaport where I begin and end my 5ks but it is nice to go this way without all the noise, hassle and potential dangers. I am without headphones and it's good to take it all in. Even the subway train that runs under the Manhattan Bridge.

It looked darker and colder than it actually was.

There was a vagabond using a grabber to pick up something of some sort of value right where the fence is as you approach the #'d streets. The black guy in the suit also stopped to look and see what the man was trying to grab. I'll never know. If it was food then BLEEECCHHHH! Money I could understand.

I haven't been to Baruch in a long while. I don't know if I've been there at all in 2011. We'll see how I do.

How You Like Me Now?

Glad I brought the sweatpants today. It's drizzling and supposedly it's going to be non-stop but I have volleyball tonite and the potential gym session but at least the bike will be dry until 530. From there who knows?

Began reading The Rum Diary today. My interest was piqued when I saw the movie trailer. I knew about this book/movie for some time but since it was Hunter S. Thompson I was skeptical at best. "Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas" was one of those films that one of my high school burnout friends lived and died by (and I know a couple of people since then, too who are like that) and I just didn't enjoy it. This one seems to be more up my alley. I'll give it a shot. It's only 200 pgs. So far it's fine.

Solipsist has 10-15 pgs left. Saving it for Friday's train ride. Will stuff a CD cover in it. My feeling is that this book got really good about 100 pgs in. I don't know if it's because I became numb to the style and the subject matter or because I started to connect to the latter (or both). A lot of times I feel just as alien as he describes (fragments of passages from the book made their way in to my fav Rollins Band songs). I feel totally normal while I'm around my friends at work and some select few others but otherwise, though I admit I want to be liked, I feel I'm on another planet. Sometimes I am still a 16-year-old kid only this time around I know to enjoy it. Other times I know there's an energy inside me that I thankfully pour out at the gym & on the bike.

The Heavy's "How You Like Me Now?" is on. I got a free live download of this popular tune and it's pretty damn good. His voice doesn't hold up as well as the studio version but it's passable. Chickenfoot takes the rest of the ride. Last day while it's still "recently added."

Waiting on a call to figure out what my week will be like. No bike for sure tomorrow as I have my last pair of theater tix. Friday is a possibility...Since this Rollins thing is at 7 it might be to my benefit to just bite the bullet and come in and then save what would have been "that day" and roll it over.

Thank you for reading.

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Solipsism almost entirely

Had a 3-day break but only from work and commute.
Physically, I pushed myself to a slightly higher ground.
The fasting of the holiday doesn't bother me much at all. There's slight hunger but otherwise I can go without for longer if need be (which is encouraging, never know when tidal waves are going to hit) but the caffeine headache (which was anticipated) is the killer and put me out for an extra 3 hrs. I hit the gym and then ran approx 8.5 miles in 69 minutes the next day (most I've ever done @ one time) and then hit the gym to do upper body yesterday. I left a lot of things/thoughts on the Boardwalk and took some new ones with me.
My legs burned only a little Sunday nite and I haven't felt any physical difference there. I'm a little sluggish but that's all in my head.
I read a little of Solipsist today (and some over the weekend) and will finish the req'd parts probably today. I will leave the last 10 pgs or so to be read on Friday when I meet Rollins himself. This way I have something to do on the train that day and am not carrying around an extra book.
It is truly a beautiful day -- mild and sunny.
Friday's phone call went well but I will be much more realistic this time around. I do think about the ends, though, and they will be glorious.
I will push myself a little harder this week. I can take anything you throw at me. I used to think I needed to be stronger than you, and if a cataclysm occurs, I might need to be. But for now, I just need to be more determined than I was yesterday. You are little more than a shadow or a spectre. Since I am able, it's my purpose in life to use what time I have contributing to maximization of time and health. There's a man @ the gym with no limbs and he will burn a hole through you with his eyes and then beat you down. He wants nothing to do with me and my heavy metal-fueled circuits and all I can do is lag behind him and catch a glimpse.
You don't want to get up? Your own problem. The man @ the gym is better off than you. He's tougher than you, than me, than practically all of us except his own shadow.

At Trinity, as I came up the second entrance approaching the protesters, traffic was more stop than go. A woman driver with a man beside her thought it would be a good idea to block the box and kill me in the process. I gave her the look and said "STOP" -- whether she heard me is another matter but she did obey.

Thank you for reading.

Jackyl - "Headed For Destruction"
Mudhoney & Sir Mix-a-Lot - "Freak Momma"
Ministry - "Roadhouse Blues"
Van Halen - "Where Have All The Good Times Gone?" "Unchained"
Queen + Rogers - "Surf's Up...School's Out"

Friday, October 7, 2011

RT day #490

Almost regret not wearing the sweatpants.
But the cold is keeping me awake, which I need since we're going coffee-free today. I promised myself one cup of reg. tea but that's all. Just herb tea and water rest of the day.
Barebacked today, as I have Solipsist and some produce in the bag. That's all. If it were winter I could just tuck it in the front pocket but I'm happier that it's not winter.
I've got a phone call coming my way today so I'll be honest and play the hand I'm dealt. Time to move on.
Chickenfoot III today. Real shocker, but at least I'm listening to the tracks I haven't killed yet.
Have a nice 3-day weekend on its way. I don't mind work today, let's just get in and get out. Fasting starts tonite.
Ran a 22:03 5K yesterday and it's as if it never happened. I was a little tired yesterday but 5ks no longer hit me with any soreness.
Thank you for reading.

Thursday, October 6, 2011

morning after mountaintop

Once more I'm loathe to get out of bed with enough time to truly wake up.
Bang Camaro couldn't fully do it.

Oddly, though, had I hustled my absolute hardest to the train, I probably would've made the 813. I considered chasing it to E. Rock, but discarded that thought immediately.

Read Solipsist again and did it to some slightly upbeat jazz in the background to temper its severity. I'm too dull right now to let the words effect me as much as they did on Tues.

Last nite we saw MountainTop with Samuel L. MF Jackson and Angela Bassett. He plays MLK and she plays a motel maid with a twist. We were in the middle of ORCH row BB, which I thought meant toward the back, but it was actually 2nd row. They were performing for us. That was a show worth staying out late. I doubt I'll ever forget it, b/w the strength of the material, quality of the actors and our MF seats.

This morning is a Chili-Chickenfoot mix of their upbeat new stuff. I do not look good. Between my hair in its slumber-inspired mohawk and the icy look in my eyes, I cannot imagine I'm an attractive figure.

Not a whole lot of particularly interesting stuff happening out here today. I must confess I think about my caffeine addiction often and I am interested to see how that will affect my lunch run. That will push me to 7 miles on the week and I'll chill out after that with running until Sun.

On Tues I thought the new Jane's Addiction was coming out but it's actually going to be a week from next Tues.

Thank you for reading.

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Oh Sweet Oblivion Feels All Right

It's chilly again this morning, but at least I have my sweatpants.

I'm having difficulty willing myself out of bed these past two mornings. Both nights I woke up b/w 3-4 to use the bathroom. I'm sure that such a disruption is part of the problem. No real way to counteract that short of holding it in, which I won't do. I did finish off the Apple Jacks before I left, though.

Began reading Solipsist, since there's a solid chance I'm going to meet Henry Rollins next week at a book signing. It's tough in the sense that it messes with your head. It's a hard read in that respect, because it's so harsh and maybe that's not what I want to read/hear first thing in the morning, but then again it's keeping me in touch with reality.

Reflecting on a dream I had:

Planning to play a show in my old garage band trio, and my guitarist and I were going over what to play. For some reason we were going to play "Hellbound" by Pantera, which is the tip-off that it's a dream b/c we were no longer playing together nor friends when that song came out (2000). The show was going to be before people in bleachers, so it's possible it was camp, where we did play together. Still, one of my strings popped off (and possibly so did his) and then I realized I was sleeping through Zeppelin and got out of bed.

This was all incited b/c I saw the friend recently from afar and b/c I saw Foo support Roger Waters on a show playing "In The Flesh," which we had planned to do one summer. My time without this friend is almost twice the estrangement time. He did reach out to me one time years ago and that was cool, so the animosity dissipated. I leave it there because that's where it is -- in the past. There are other old friends whom I thought I despised but I really am just disappointed in myself for letting others make me feel inferior. Socially, that no longer happens. Soon enough it will not happen professionally.

First thing I saw upon exiting Penn Station was two black homeless guys looking like they were going to throw down. An on-break construction worker stood to my left with his cameraphone out hoping to catch a glimpse of something he could instantly post. Thankfully, cops came right out and calmly told them to hang out somewhere else. The yelling seemed to die down a bit.

This goes back to my thoughts on Hume, and the idea that I am basically just a bunch of memories stitched together. I'm not the same person -- too much of a transformation on all 3 planes.

That is all for today. Made my lights and good time.

Thank you for reading.

Sammy Hagar: "Cosmic Universal Fashion" "Psycho Vertigo" "Loud"
Screaming Trees: "Shadow of the Season" "Nearly Lost You" "Tomorrow's Dream"

Monday, October 3, 2011

Remember to grab new train pass.

I was off to a great stop from the get-go.
Just as I was about to board the 818 I realized I hadn't slipped the Oct. pass in my wallet so I had to go right back and get it. This, however, provided me ample time to get it, use the facilities and have a cup of hot tea. And I needed it, b/c not only am I operating on less caffeine, now, but it's getting colder out. T-shirt and long-sleeve shirt and shorts today.
Read MH on the train. I haven't taken the bike on the 848 in quite a while and I don't miss the rat race it embodies. People rush to transfer like it's of the utmost importance.
I ran what I'm going to call 2 miles yesterday. It may have been more, but since I wasn't running very hard, I feel it'd be a disservice to credit myself with anything more. That, and there's no way for me to accurately gauge the distance.
It was a pretty good weekend, once I got off the train Thursday night. (Took F'ing forever!)
After installing insulation on Saturday, I still felt it was necessary to give my knees one more day of rest. They don't hurt, and that's probably why.
I'm moving pretty fast. I don't feel bad about coming in late, but I do want to try to shave a few minutes off my time this morning.
I'm trying to figure out the best days/times to run and get at least another 5k in there. Today probably would've been best during lunch but maybe I can squeeze it in after work.
Started writing personal work again, let's see where it takes us.
Protesters are still here.
Thank you for reading.