Wednesday, October 26, 2011

the partial page

The ride back was more hurried than normal, as I left @ 530 on the dot. Getting to the bus depot was bad as I took Liberty St. and got caught up b/w marchers and pedestrians. Then I was stuck behind a bus that spewed out malice in the form of black smoke. Right on me.

I hustled really fast once I got around the bus at the chain stop and weaved in and out of traffic. Since I know the location of most of the potholes on my route, I've saved my prostate some trouble.

Too many people are in my lane too frequently. They walk, then look.

I am a little PO'd about someone at work essentially throwing me under the bus and doing that "respond to an email and copy all the higher-ups to express my anger" move, which I abhor more than marketing department cronies who exhibit awful interpersonal skills (so how can they effectively handle any PR/Marketing work with outside connections if they cannot speak to a co-worker?). Someone whose camaraderie I truly value did that email maneuver and the irony is that not only am I taking the high road and giving that person a day to think about what they've done and apologize, but the good people in my corner who know I did right by everyone today went to bat for me, and even Smithers has to back me up, which should speak volumes.

Some people I've met take mistakes too personally -- and I understand that to a point b/c it involves business (which = $), but to blindly start swinging rather than make a phone call and have a candid conversation is in poor taste. I never do that to people anymore -- learned the hard way in college once or twice. It's odd b/c that's sort of the old mentality of my former(?) part-time job which goes back to my teenage years. For a time I thought that was normal and that's how you ran a business. But it's really just looking for a verbal punching bag and accomplishes nothing. Let's see how that plays out.

I was already scheduled to hit the gym tonite and now I've truly earned it. To tell the truth, the vindication came today from my immediate supervisor and the confidence I have in knowing I did the right thing today and handled things to the best of my ability. It's not like when Smithers talks about "memorializing" things and I want to reach through his mouth only to be momentarily forgotten that if I reach far enough, I won't hit the top of a spine. I'm more upset that I think I cannot trust someone who I thought I could.

Thank you for reading.

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