Thursday, October 14, 2010

oct 13 & 14

Yesterday's ride was largely uneventful. I took 33rd St. up in the morning and there had been some accident toward 9th ave., a minor one that was holding up all the cars in the road. All I can really conclude from riding both bikes is that the one advantage to the little bike was its gears as there were certainly moments this morning that, while gear-less, I noticed I wasn't going as fast as I could've.

Made it to the station in under 19 minutes yesterday. I've got a lot of energy to burn by day's end. I don't know whether I've conditioned myself to be this way because most people are drained by the end of their shift but I've got too much to escape by 5:30.

Today's morning trip was also pleasant and uneventful. Zarathustra is a dense read and it's tough to focus sometimes on the train when all the important dipsticks have life-altering conversations beside me. I listen to Symphonic Pink Floyd while I'm reading to zero-in on the book. Perhaps the train is not the place for it. I'll see how I feel after the first part is over (book is in four parts). There are some parts of this book that I feel were written (good and bad) for me and others that are just way over my head.

It's supposed to rain during the return ride so we'll see if I leave the bike here tonite or just plow through.

Thank you for reading.

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