Friday, October 8, 2010

one day this week

Well I'm back. For starters, my last ride last week was Weds., as I had a Broadway show on Thurs. and Friday morning was kind of rough in the morning and it was tough to read the skies.

I don't recall much about the Wednesday ride other than being grateful for staying dry.

As for today:


I had a splitting headache behind my right eye that woke me up early in the a.m. and remained when I re-awoke 5 hours later. Riding with one of those is not fun. Left from RVC today. Trains were delayed and that played a small factor in my morning commute. I had been sick this past week which really sucked and I can feel how one week less of riding and less workouts (I did manage to go on Sun, Mon & Tues) is effecting me as my gut is beginning to get flabby. The windy mornings are easy to mistake as "cold" and today I'm wearing a long-sleeve tee over a tank top and shorts. Strategically it was a smart move to work today, as I still have a 3-day weekend approaching. My playlist today consisted of:

Temple of the Dog: "Reach Down" and "Your Savior"
Queens of the Stone Age: "Suture My Future" and "Sick, Sick, Sick"

I have no watch this morning so I cannot accurately say if I'm moving faster or slower than normal. I got a phone call from Liz describing how forces are trying to keep me from enjoying a night out next Saturday but I will not be deterred. I feel pretty good on the bike for the most part and I do miss the gears of the little bike. Today should be in and out.


The evening wind had died down and it was room temperature all the way back. A cab on Church Street didn't look before he cut into the middle lane, heard me yell and apologized. No big deal. Sometimes I wish I'd take a different route and just take Broadway or Nassau up to Park Row and then get on to Church/6th but that can take too long and it's an extra couple of minutes I'd rather not be here. It just gets really crowded and they chain off Church but it's not bad today and I beat the chains. Today was like the blink of an eye I was busy and even stressed at times but was able to get enough done to make Tuesday a pretty simple day. I feel like this weekend will be, "leisure time-wise," what Monday - Thurs. should've been.

Making the left onto 31st is a little narrower now and as I approached 7th Ave., there was a little black bag with a zipper on the floor, and it looked like it could've held a camera. It could've had money in it. I stopped, kicked it aside, as if it would provide a clue, and decided there wouldn't be any money in it and proceeded in. Who knows?

Thank you for reading.

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