Thursday, April 14, 2011

Return Ride - 4/14

It was yet another mad dash. You'd be surprised how crucial two minutes can be. I had made it downstairs in the elevator and knew that if I didn't check on one last detail at work, I'd worry. Thankfully I had done and read everything correctly but, alas, it was 5:31.

I decided to, again, lose the heavy top as it was unnecessary and just book it back home. I had an above-average amount of items in the backpack thanks to Borders' closing sale. Surprisingly, even though I hit the gym before work today I was really really awake. Not sure if it's because I did abs and upper body or because the sun was out or because things are going well privately or because of the Borders sale. Probably all or just the latter.

Anyway, even though I had to stop at 14th & 23rd, I still cranked it out and made it downstairs to the track at 5:51. A week ago at this time I had gotten on to the wrong track (they changed #s on us), boarded, and passed out. I awoke in Westbury an hour later & then had to make my way back to Jamaica and then back to the side of the ocean. But today is all good. The front tire does look a little low again so I will pump it up with a machine. In the 20s there was a guy listening to what sounded like a mashup of hardcore rap and reggae and was it ever lousy. I'm sure he'd feel the same way about Megadeth but that's the kind of stuff you hear at 3 a.m. when someone passes your house b/c it's cool to crank your car's bass at 3 a.m.

I'm getting back in to a mindset that is brighter and have not been snacking at work as much. If I can make it down to 150 lbs for the triathlon I'll be satisfied. My current weight of 157 (with shoes) is acceptable but I am sure that I can get to my leanest and best in the next several months.

Thank you for reading.

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