Monday, July 11, 2011

"Hey Hey do the Zombie Stomp."

Listening to some choice selections off Ozzy's No More Tears.

It's going to be 91 degrees today.

If Friday's run taught me anything it's that running in such hot weather is fine if you are going to have easy access to water immediately after, which I don't have. I do not want to run with a water bottle. I'm moving too fast and it'll distract me. So it'll wait for tomorrow, when it will presumably be a few degrees cooler and I'll be well-prepared.

I'm still hung up on the lines of BS I absorbed during my performance review last week -- I must admit. I can't wait to turn 50 and tell everyone younger than me that "this is the way I am and I will not change." I'm kidding, of course, but that is the gist of what I was told.

"You're the under-ling, you have to change. I epitomize deadness and enjoy my corporate slavery, I fill out the reports, I screw you out of money and you will sit there and take it unless you go somewhere else."

I had a celebratory weekend that had very little time for exercise, so I plan to hit the gym hard tonite and let a lot of this out. The biking doesn't really let out any frustration it's merely a means to an end at this point. The extra training is what does the job and lately hitting the bag is releasing the most energy. It will be abs and upper body tonight for sure.

Unsurprisingly, there are a lot of people jogging and biking today on the path.

Am still reading Faulkner and am more than half-way done. It's getting easier to understand and follow as I move along. I can see where a kid would be bored to tears with it in high school -- but as you get older some of these literary works resonate with more impact. The time to read this sort of thing is in college to truly appreciate it. Maybe senior year of high school, too.

I'm sweating right through the back of my Polk High jersey-shirt. I haven't had any coffee yet but I'm still moving quicker than normal.

I find myself privately exhaling the following (Oftentimes it happens while training at the gym or on the bike.) : "You'll get nothing from me."

I interpret this in a variety of ways but mostly I feel like I'm being interrogated and beaten and this is the response I'd give, if at all.

Thank you for reading.

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