Monday, July 11, 2011

pebble in the eye

A solid ride home as there was no bus depot at Church Street.
My laces are getting tangled in the pedals more frequently than I'd like.
I did get behind a bus that must've kicked up the tiniest pebble that hit me right in the right eye. I had to pull over to get it out.
Everything was fine until I got to 21st Street and noticed that the square block was sealed off by the cops and the FD. I went up to 7th and came back around to 23rd and 6th. I kind of regret that since 8th Ave would've been a smoother transition but it's ok.
I will hit the gym tonite as I owe it to my future self. I had a (rare) weekend off so it's time to rip it up. Will do some abs, tris, some shoulders and punching bag.
I'm getting a queer feeling lately from a co-worker whom I value very much. I hope it's just a dose of paranoia on my part. I'm positive I didn't insult the person directly but I think I may have said something that rubbed the wrong way. I hope I am wrong. Not everything is about me. It does bum me out and it takes the flavor out of the day as I don't like to let this person down.
Thank you for reading.

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