Monday, August 15, 2011

Kick the chair

I'm very sure I wasn't supposed to be able to hit the pavement this morning, but it was not precipitating when I left and there's nothing coming down as of 8:55. The shed is not completely waterproof, however, and the quicker I get a new one, the better.

I've escaped death or certain injury a couple of times just being on 31st street. The cabbies make their own lanes as they turn. Then, a cabbie was pulling in to one of the garage/shops between 10th & 11th. I must've been in his blind spot but thankfully I have my eyes wide open.

Saw that I had no chance at making the crossing, so I proceeded to 24th and turned there, and stopped off at the bathroom at Chelsea Piers lavatory. I changed albums from Mother's Milk to Peace Sells. 80s albums that are not typical 80s.

I'm reading Perec's W. or the Memory of Childhood and it is the first of his works I have read without being dizzy, elated, frustrated, confused and relieved. Fascinating how this man's mind translates to the pen to the page. He basically has two works that are barely novellas that he alternates chapters with. There are pieces of his autobiography that are reminiscent of Species, which I read in January.

This is my last week at work before the big race and I'm deciding how to approach the running, since I will have time to work out some mornings. If it holds out, I will hit the pavement for lunch today and get one in the can. I was displeased with my times last week and would like to get them back in the 21's if possible. I'll aim for 3 lunch runs b/w now and Thurs. With Smithers changing his sched it actually benefits me.

Small conversations are snowballing in to something wholly otherwise. I can't tell sometimes if they are uncalled for or if I am getting to a truth about myself. It seems to me that I need to break a cycle b/c the way I am going about moving up in the business world is not effective. I do resent that every last thing I do is all about money and I resent that I have to sit and eat shit in front of people who have deceived me one way or another. But that is only part of the problem. If anyone tells me to try harder they can shove it. If I wasn't trying and making progress, then that'd be a fine criticism, but it's not the case. Change the approach is going to have to be the mantra because I am wasting away once I get to my destination.

I have some Megadeth albums and compilations in the pack today that should propel me this week.

It is also worth mentioning that last Friday morning I saw Jon Benjamin on his bike going north while I was on my way down. I should have stopped him but I don't watch his show -- though I do watch his animated stuff and his time on Demetri Martin's show.

Thank you for reading.

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