Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Of course....

Trains were consolidated this morning and they were late making it in to Penn so I was already behind the clock. I realized rather quickly that I don't have the key to the kryptonite lock, meaning I'd have to bring the bike inside today.
Finished Dark Avengers and it was pretty damn good. If you give villains enough time to get a fan base, you can do interesting things with them, including making them "heroes." I'd read another installment. I did notice how Norman Osborn resembles Tommy Lee Jones only with that triangular "Osborn hair."
Am listening to Pearl Jam's Backspacer. Listened to it for the first time driving to the vineyards a couple of weeks ago and it's pretty solid. Not as great as the first two but it's probably better than Yield, actually. Guitars have gotten choppy -- when they're not they soar. When they are, they tend to gum up the works. "Fixer" is a winner but the rest are merely okay.
The city must have recently installed a second-counter at the traffic light at the 29th street entrance to the highway. That's good b/c yesterday it enabled me with the confidence that I could cross over in the nick of time. Today, no such luck -- I made it down to 24th St before I crossed.
Hitting Pier 40 today, OF COURSE, there's someone pulling in there from the perpendicular side of the street. In all the seconds of the morning, the ONE car chooses those 3 seconds. Not a big deal, but it's another bullet to dodge.
People got fired yesterday -- about 20 in all at my company. That really is too bad -- I only casually knew some of the NY casualties but it is unfortunate, esp. they came in to work on a Monday only to be told "you don't have to go home, but you can't stay here." We all knew the cuts were on the way but I was relatively sure I was safe.
Put air in the tires yesterday and I'm sure it's making a difference. Hopefully today's train situation will be better than the past 2.
Today the debt deal has to get signed but in the end it doesn't matter, Fareed Zakaria said it best, "We already look bad."
Thank you for reading.

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