Monday, December 14, 2015

Cloudy with a chance of final Monday / #45 / 763


The connecting train was late at Jamaica but whatever. It's so warm but very foggy. My mother-in-law was right about the visibility.

There was a woman on Jay Street who did not feel it necessary to cross at the light, in plain sight, with a baby carriage.  Yes, traffic had stopped but any one of us cyclists could've collided with her.  I laughed out of sheer disgust.

This is the last Monday I'll be making this trip.  This is closer to the way I wanted to go out.  I don't think anyone will make an offer to keep me b/c the point was to phase it out.  That's ok b/c I am ready for something different.

Into The Abyss

I moved pretty quickly all things considered.  Some TL&C driver almost hit me as I was listening to the last song and wondering where it was during high school.

Thank you for reading.

Rollins Band: Too Much Rock & Roll, Up For It
Foo Fighters: Savior Breath, Long Road To Ruin
Overkill: In Union We Stand

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