Wednesday, December 9, 2015

Just Keep Walking - #42 / 760


It's a little bit nippy out but it's still in the high-40s. My #2s are knocking me out. They are taking too long and I'm wondering if it's b/c I'm eating cashews at work.  That really shouldn't be the reason but it's possible.

It dawned on me that it was last Tuesday, on arguably the hardest day of the year, that the opportunities arose.  I had no expectations on the job front on that day so I should continue to be glad something came up. I admit I want people to just instantly like and hire me so that I can leave behind the stress of the last X-amount of years -- particularly 2015.  Yesterday I felt some cynicism and paranoia and I'll try to burn that off today. I'd like to hit the gym later, too. I think that will help.

On Jay Street a guy just kept walking diagonally into the bike lane though he saw me coming. If he were standing still I could move around him but when he's already moving and directly in to the spot where I could maneuver it's frustrating.  I suggested he "just keep walking," and if he responded I missed it due to speed and Queensryche.

I've got a bunch of work to do today as well. I have to make a table, which is not my forte.

There are also bills to pay.

Thank you for reading.

Queensryche - "Hellfire," "Toxic Remedy"
Helloween - "Open Your Life"
The Answer - "Never Too Late," "Highwater or Hell"

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