My feeling is that it's a bad idea to call out sick on a Friday in December -- mostly because you can get away with more if you go in on Fridays and call out on other days. Also, vacant parking spots are more plentiful at LIRR stations on Fridays because everyone else is calling out.
With that thought out of my head, while today is cold it's not very windy (thankfully) and it was enjoyable moving west on 31st street. My eyes weren't closed as much as yesterday and I am backpack-less again.
The character of Rosemary in Tender reminds me of some girls (now, women) I have known, where their looks were really a bankable asset. I haven't seen them in quite some time so I don't know if it still holds up but at the comparable age of 19 that was certainly the case. It's tough to find music to listen to while reading (I exclusively listen to instrumental music when I read, if I listen to anything) but I always try to listen to something that is time/setting-appropriate. I have the Sweet & Lowdown Soundtrack, but that gets old quickly. I did find that Steve Blanco's cover of "Us & Them" and some select, slower Sonny Clark songs fit the mood perfectly.
There's not a whole lot to be said though I feel pretty strong today, as my breakfast of Cinnabon pancakes (with powdered sugar from the pfeffernuise), milk, orange juice, and coffee has provided ample sustenance. My breakfasts are better than yours.
I made it a point to find Rollins' "Inhale Exhale" whilst riding as I felt it described things -- physically and mentally -- succinctly.
This weekend I will destroy every muscle in my body and rebuild as I am working to make natural causes struggle for their pay. I have new shoes to help me with that, we'll see how they work out.
Thank you for reading.
Guns N Roses - "Paradise City"
Megadeth - "Train of Consequences"
Hellyeah - "Debt That All Men Pay"
Rollins Band - "Inhale Exhale" and "Saying Goodbye Again" and "Rejection"
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