Thursday, December 23, 2010

Penultimate Thursday of 2010

The four-plus minutes westbound was tougher than the entire southbound part of the trip this morning, as the wind was working its way south as I rode toward the highway. All of Audioslave's "Cochise" was used during that time.

Once on the highway, however, it wasn't so bad and the wind even propelled me at certain points. Tomorrow is a holiday for the courts so it's a holiday for me. I need to take claritin on these windier days as my eyelids often do not want to cooperate. Child 44 is set in conditions that make this seem like Little Dix Bay so I keep that in mind. So far it's a real engaging read and it is truly a page-turner. It's been a while since I've read something that didn't feel like total homework. If they ever made this in to a movie it'd be a winner.

I'm listening to the first half of Audioslave's debut album. I really wish Cornell had stayed with these guys instead of reuniting with Soundgarden. I have nothing against the latter but Audioslave was much better at getting in your face.

I made a phone call that I'd been dreading last night and I hope it wasn't premature.

I can take the cold. I can take anything and everything you throw at me because you constantly underestimate me and what I've become. As I shed myself to near-skinless forms and conditions I become stronger. I always knew this was possible -- now the impossibility is that it will be taken from me. This is the one thing I have total control over and I will never look or feel the way I did in my late teens. I will starve out the form of that person but the memory will remain as it'll be a constant reminder of what could always be.

Forecast is for snow on Monday. I don't know that that will deter me. I am too strong for you now. Snow isn't a problem unless it coats the streets. The only time I'll rule out the ride now is for hard rain.

Thank you for reading.

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