Wednesday, December 22, 2010

RHCP Bside day

It's quite cool yet again but my lungs have adjusted to the air. As I approach escalators and stairs I keep ending up right behind people with huge amounts of baggage, old people, or people who are too lazy to walk up and it's frustrating because I've got 35 pounds of cold aluminum in my hand. It is wrong not to walk up or down an escalator.

I'm listening to a bunch of RHCP b-sides today and eventually they ended and became Californication. My favorite song is "Around The World" (and I'm comparing this to all songs by everyone) and in it the line: Mother Russia, do not suffer...etc. is a line I hear differently today, since Child 44 has me paranoid with hardcore commie propoganda that their officers were programmed with.

It is sunny today and this is the beginning of the last half of the week, which is great. I still have some goals to reach and one of them has me sweating more than this ride.

Thank you for reading.


"Time," "Out of Range," "Rivers of Avalon," "Save the Population," "Around the World" and "Parallel Universe"

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