Thursday, March 31, 2011

Made of Kevlar

Thurs Morn:

Today will be less tense than most -- I won't have to be in the same room with someone I don't like today. It's drizzling right now and today's my way of making up last thursday to myself. Last Thurs I left my keys in my wife's bag and missed out on a fine day of riding. I made it to the light at the highway just as it turned red, and today was the start of me just going down to 27th or 26th to the light there and waiting. At least I'm not just standing and looking @ traffic.

I'm listening to Metallica's Ride the Lightning. But I skip "For Whom" and "Fade" since I've heard the former a million times and the latter is too depressing. "Escape" and "Trapped Under Ice" are where it's at for me.

My Aflac audition will be today -- voice submission. Need to take all the best stuff & chop it down to less than 30 seconds.

I am made of kevlar today. I am too strong for the weather, which weakens and lessens as I move south. I am too strong & too fast for you.

Today will be 19 for 22 on the month. Solid #s. Should be 20 and I will beat myself up over it many times over.

Weds Morn:
What a morn -- just made it to RVC for its 833 and still made it to work by 930. It's probably because I am not as sore as yesterday. It's nice out and I am moving well. I'll be starving when I get to work. Good thing I have that vat of caramel latte-flavored protein at my desk.

Listened to the first minute of "Debt That All Men Pay" a few times b/c it rocks and I had to stop at the Piers to use the restroom facilities.

GNR - "Bad Apples"
Hellyeah - "Debt That All Men Pay"
Pantera - "Where You Come From"
Rollins Band - "Too Much Rock & Roll" "Your Number Is One (Long version)"

Weds Eve:
It's nice to see the sun when I leave work. I know I'm repeating myself myself.
Also officially registered for the triathlon in August so I will see how lean I can get in the next 5 months.
I saw John Franco crossing near Warren Street. Said, "Hey John!" and he waved. I knew I'd seen him around here before. He was a good pitcher and a solid guy I know he was somehow affiliated with the FDNY.

Thank you for reading.

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

...there were so many things I was never told...

Today I tried something that Men's Health suggested: While biking, I'm envisioning my next workout -- but the workout I'm envisioning is one they described. Next time I work the pecs, I'll do my first set with dumbells and then do the remainder with the bar. We'll see how that goes. I'm still sore but not as stiff. My posture at work probably isn't helping as I sit with my right leg out to the side a lot and that could explain the bruised-like feeling in my lower right back.

It's a nice morning -- a little chilly but mostly pleasant.

I'm listening to GNR a bit more these days. I have friends who have encouraged a renewed interest. The Use Your Illusion I tracks, specifically. But "Yesterdays" is particularly affecting, as it was a few years ago after putting a lot of time and distance between old influences that I realized I am better off without several people from my childhood. It's unfortunate, in some respects, but I do not want people with chemical dependencies (and consequently, forced friendships) in my life. I'd rather be alone.

The jazz in my IPOD is beautiful, specifically Lee Morgan. He did a song on Volume 3 called "Domingo" that is just too serene. Turns out he was gunned down by his nutty common-law wife back in the late 60s or early 70s. I like him better than Miles but my opinion doesn't matter.

I'm going to audition for the voice of an advertising mascot by week's end. The requirement is to say the company name as catch-ily as possible within 30seconds.

Thank you for reading.

Guns N Roses - "IRS" "Don't Damn Me" "Bad Apples" "Yesterdays"
Rollins Band - "During a City"

Monday, March 28, 2011

March Madness.

It's still cold out. To give you an idea of its impact, I'm back to wearing thermals under the sweats. Though I'm not listening to it, Rollins' "Disconnect" pretty much sums up how I feel about my job and many of the people I have to deal with there. I mostly interact with many good and decent people who are friendly and courteous but there are a few bad apples that are just spoiling it for me. Just a bunch of passive-aggressive, spineless individuals who make me feel entitled to my sick days.

I'm sore and stiff from my workouts this past weekend and probably also from the way I'm sleeping. I've endured an immeasurable level of stress in the past 14 months. It wasn't all bad -- in fact most of it was good -- but it was a lot of work and I suppressed a lot of anger and unfortunately I am not where I want to be 8 hours a day and it's getting to me.

Now that I am a homeowner, every day will have its challenges and I'm mentally preparing for that. I feel like I cannot tell too many people at work or don't want them to know mostly because I don't people above me to use it against me. I wouldn't put it past them to do it. I wouldn't put it past anyone.

There are stressors out of the office, of course, and I handle each one differently. Some people just want to help with their suggestions and that's fine; other people have trouble expressing their own emotions and feelings and cannot handle it when any genuinely emotive act is displayed. Then there are those who just bottle it all up until they end up doing and saying things they regret. The worst are those who are in major denial. A lot of people are inspiring me in the sense that they are showing me EXACTLY how I do not want to be. I'm still at that pivotal point in my life where I can change or fall in to bad habits or cycles, but I think I can get a grip on myself most of the time.

I did ride on Friday and I'll always remember it as the day where I was up at 2:30 in the morning due to intense contemplation and rage. I slept for 15 minutes on the train coming in, a rarity. Still, I made it to work on time.

There were more people on the highway today -- I think they are making the effort now b/c the sun is out in the morning. I wd40'd my chain today and it certainly made a difference.

The crossing at Albany Street almost had a death b/c it's not obvious when the northbound traffic stops. A woman was nearly killed there today. Also on a bike was a black woman in a fur coat with a mustache. Oh wait, it wasn't a woman. A pimp on a bike? Is that what I saw?

Thank you for reading.

Chris Cornell - "Time" "Ground Zero"
Lo-Fidelity All-Stars - "Deep Ellum...Hold On"
Airbourne - "Born To Kill" "No Way But the Hard Way" "Bottom of the Well"

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

...And the road, it fades away...

Listened to Strays again and it is the right album to listen to in sunnier weather. Just because it's sunny out doesn't mean it isn't cold. It's still in the 40s and a little chilly but it can be withstood. It rained hard yesterday morning and cleared up in the afternoon. I kind of wanted to bring the bike in the morning (but not ride it) and bank on it clearing up and ride it back but didn't. I never do. I wonder if I did that how many more roundtrips it would equal. Not a whole lot, but still.

Started reading a 100-page collection of essays called On Friendship by Michel de Montaigne, a 16th Century philosopher. This will help me stay on course for my other pseudo-educational and professional pursuits.

The ride back is an eye-opener, literally, b/c I'm still not re-acclimated to seeing sunlight when I leave work. My chain needs some lube but otherwise I'm doing ok. Saw someone get arrested around 13th Street, that was cool. Today will be the end of one headache and the beginning of another.

Thank you for reading.

Friday, March 18, 2011

Who's jonesing for a pickle at 5:30?

Yesterday was a fine ride as the weather is getting better. The train rides were tougher due to St. Patrick's Day, and people were just rude and belligerent. Yesterday was a good day as I had finally gotten one of the calls I'd needed in order to alleviate stress. Reading about philosophy in a quarterly magazine -- all about perception and relativity. It's interesting.

On the return ride right at W.4th Street I couldn't believe I was momentarily held up by a guy holding a pickle on a stick. Yes, a pickle on a stick from the pickle hut on the sidewalk right before the theater. He handed one to his driver and walked around with his own. Who's jonesing for a pickle at 5:30? Imagine that conversation: "Dude, I'm fallin' asleep here, I need a pick-me-up."
"You want to stop for coffee?"
"Nah, need something weirder. Something that is simultaneously a man and woman repellent -- hey, is that a pickle stand? Perfect!"

Today was even better did it all in a long-sleeve tee and shorts. It's nice not to have to wear the grimey sweatpants. I'm not moving too fast today but made great time b/c I miraculously caught the early train. I need some wd40 for my chain but otherwise it's a fine day for bike rides and I feel very fortunate to have opportunities like this.

Both days had the same set list:
Black Crowes: "My Morning Song" "Go Faster"
The Fluid: "Is It Day I'm Seeing?"
GNR: "Street of Dreams"
Jane's Addiction: "Ain't No Right"
RHCP: "Let's Make Evil"

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

11-11 on the month

Morning: Still sore (perhaps even moreso) this morning but am making good time. Reading my philosophy mag and an interview with Martha Nussbaum. I'm pretty stressed out having some sort of knowledge that something's going down @ work today. From what I understand it will not effect me and as far as I'm concerned, by making good on some promises I made when I was hired, and taking on a few additional responsibilities, I'm as indispensable as I can be. I have given a lot of thought to office politics and the awkward communication scenarios some people present -- one person told me that by not speaking to me at all, that means everything is fine and I'm doing a fine job. If we were working in different offices I'd take no offense, but we sit feet away from each other, and if anyone conjures the nerve to claim I don't work hard enough, I will remind them that this is the leadership I'm obligated to adhere to.

Evening: I don't have good answers, if any, for anyone and that's bumming me out. People standing in my lane are also bumming me out. They see me coming but don't move. I get as close as I can sometimes just to see if they'll budge, but apparently they are really important people with really important envelopes and are wearing really torn and frayed clothes. I will have tomorrow as a 'bye' -- just as well the morning's supposed to be wet.

Thank you for reading.

Monday, March 14, 2011

no mask in the morn

Legs are a little sore from yesterday's gym session but I am managing just fine.
It's not so cold out this morning so I do not need my mask and by Friday morning may not need so many layers.
I'm reading a quarterly philosophy magazine I got from Borders (for half off) and find the reading to be fascinating. I think I am in to it the same way I got in to collecting jazz a few years ago -- mostly because there's a whole history there to which I was blind, and it's not so much culture shock as it is a seemingly new bunch of information and theory for me to absorb (no matter how old it may be). What is old will be new again -- certainly true in my case.
The preparations for the next step in life are being made and I felt I was a little too stressed last week and this week I'll keep myself in check.
It's a nice morning, and I'll try to keep it that way. I have homemade cupcakes in my bag that I will give to five lucky co-workers.
Thank you for reading.

Monster Magnet - "On The Verge," "Negasonic Teenage Warhead," "Wall of Fire," "Slut Machine"
Chili Peppers - "Make You Feel Better"
Van Halen - "Right Now"

Friday, March 11, 2011

the first full, 5-day week in a while

Interestingly, there was no rain this morning. It was hard to peel my eyes and attention away from the screen before leaving, considering a massive earthquake that hit Japan and the eventual tsunami waves which were en route to Hawaii. I cannot comprehend what that is like but I do know Long Island will be done if we get anything resembling that.
I am reading more about Syd Barrett again, and while it's interesting and I'm sure my wife would like it, I'm so sick of reading about this guy. On the other hand, at least I understand Apollo and Dionysus. I reckon that by the weekend I will have this book finished.
The ride today was really quick and I realized that as I approached the piers my legs started to get tired. I think once I cross the street onto the highway my defenses drop a little against my conscious will. It's a momentary lapse. No big deal.
Over at Vesey Street they were working on its underground and I was actually okay with taking the official detour around the WFC. I've done it at least once before, and while it does take an extra minute or so, at least I'm away from traffic. I re-emerged near WFC 3 and of course there were people taking shots of the reconstruction. I muttered something about how "necessary" these photos were and kept on.
Pearl Jam - "Faithful"
Motley Crue - "Saints of L.A.," "Kickstart My Heart," "Dr. Feelgood," "Shout at the Devil"
Eleven - "Nature Wants to Kill Me"
Down - "There's Something On My Side"

This was in my head. This is what happens when you refill at Starbucks 20 minutes before you hop on a bike. Yeah, I flew. FLEW. I briefly spoke with the traffic cop at Liberty and just booked it.
Interestingly, this was a full week on the bike. Had I gone by the weather reports, then the past two full days should've had me rained out. Though yesterday's return ride was an inconvenience, I know I'm stronger for it.
I barely stopped as I made almost every light and certainly all the important ones after Houston. I saved the full $22.50 this week. Every business day this month (all 9) have been biked. The only day next week for sure I will not do is Weds.

Thank you for reading.

Thursday, March 10, 2011

a thursday from the gods...I guess

I'm getting at least one way today courtesy of the gods as it was supposed to pour this morning but it is barely even drizzling. I read about Syd Barrett this morning and it's probably the least interesting facet of Pink Floyd for me. The essay(s) are good but I just don't care enough about the man. Funny how different my view of that guy is from when I was a teenager.
I'm listening to the opening tracks off Wake Up by John Legend & Roots, which I really like and it is upbeat (though the messages are tough). I won't claim to know any of the songs (which are almost entirely covers) except one, "Compared to What" which is an old jazz tune from the 60s or 70s that I knew of thanks to "Casino." Though I like the original better, the new version is very catchy, too. As I approached the Piers I thought I wouldn't need my mask and just as I was about to remove it, a bus which had been held up let out a nice puff of black smoke. I removed the mask much later. I worked out my legs last nite but didn't do any squats and I think that's why I am not really sore.

I had the foresight to bring the bike in to the building and while I regret not leaving it there over night and just riding it back tomorrow when the rain clears, at least the damn thing is getting home. I do not enjoy riding in the rain.
At 5 p.m. it was barely drizzling and 29 minutes later it was raining. It probably got worse over the course of the trip but I was careful and still made the train. I can't really recall the last time I was in rain on the return trip (the last one that stands out was the day in September where I had to take the E home), but it still is unpleasant.

Thank you for reading.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

how generic a weds is it?

I finally got some good news regarding long-term dwelling space yesterday and I feel as though a lot of stress has dissipated.
I am more tired than normal this morning and thankfully I bought a rewards card for a major coffeehouse so I can get a free refill today. It'll be nice to avoid the office swill.
There are a lot of people on the lane today but that's okay.
Monday was day #375. It's supposedly going to rain Thurs-Fri so this might be the last entry for a while.
The philosophy book is "taking me places" some of it is extremely dense but it's also still very inspiring.
Thanks to some nice friends at work I am going to treat some people who helped save me a bunch of money to a pizza.

Thank you for reading.

Megadeth - Train of Consequences
Nirvana - Radio Friendly Unit Shifter
Them Crooked Vulture - Gunman
The Answer - Revolutions
AC/DC - Cyberspace

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Tuesday - regular ride

There's a lot of stress on the brain and in the gut.
I am probably just a hair under 160 lbs and although I don't look bad I am not as lean as I had been last summer. It's a combination of all the eating between Christmas and my birthday and the couple of weeks in feb when I couldn't bike to work. It all adds up to my detriment and I will take it out on myself.
I'm of the mind that once my external stressors have run their course, the stress will leave my stomach and I can get back to working on myself. I do need to register for the triathlon soon.
Last nite started rough but thankfully the wife & I were able to just burn it off and I think we handled it as constructively as possible.
I am hoping that today will bring better news than the nothing that hit me yesterday during the day.
I am listening to the first 4 or 5 tracks from Blues Traveler's Bastardos! which I like a lot. Got it for 5 bucks in Red Bank.
Caught the early train today so I'm making great time.
Thank you for reading.

Monday, March 7, 2011

catching up...8 for 10 today

There are times when you have so much on your mind that you cannot get them all out -- that's what Thurs & Fri were like. I won't bore anyone with the details. I will always remember them well, and eventually when I look back I'll be able to figure it out. The moral of the story is just because you want something to be over doesn't mean you should let your guard down.

On Thursday I sounded awful -- far worse than I actually felt. I kind of felt like a hypocrite by coming in to work but my throat condition does not seem to be contagious. Still, I sounded terrible and biking on Thurs and Friday weren't as simple as they could've been.

By the ride home Thursday I had so much pent up frustration I was able to fly back to Penn. But on the way, at Reade Street I noticed a whole bunch of young voices reacting to something. Looking to my right I saw a bunch of students in a group and two black girls falling on top of each other, and wrestling each other to the ground. The kids were obviously thrilled to see them go at it. I slowed down and, in a deliciously raspy voice, told some blonde lady to call the cops as I pointed to the commotion. I then realized that I was wearing that ski mask that makes you look like a terrorist and a helmet on top -- so this woman sees a biker in all gray with a smoker's voice pointing to a crowd and saying "call the cops." Yeah, I should stop thinking of the welfare of others and just ride.

Friday there wasn't much to report it was just a matter of getting in and out.

Today was sunny and only slightly chilly but I am feeling much better. My legs are a little sore b/c of my workout on Saturday (the first since last Monday). I didn't knock myself out but more like I reawakened my muscles. I have a lot of work today and on the personal level I'm waiting for a couple of phone calls. I'm still reading about the philosophy of Pink Floyd and loving it. It's inspiring me to write my own (which I did) and now just need to get on with the former part.

In the past 10 business days I've been on the bike 80% of the time.

Thank you for reading.

Foo Fighters - "Word Forward"
Monster Magnet - "Live For the Moment"
Slash - "Ghost"
Supernova - "Dead Parade"
Pearl Jam - "Porch"
Parliament - "Ride On"

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

dry throat, windy morn

Today was interesting b/c I was not moving as fast I'd have liked -- it almost felt like I had a flat tire but it was the wind working against me. I'm much more nimble at the day's end on the return ride since I'm motivated to get to Penn.

I listened to the first tracks off the double live album that Jimmy Page & Black Crowes did and it is just so good. It rocks without too much distortion and I can only imagine how cool it must be to play your favorite band's music, live, to an audience who paid to see you, with the main songwriter of the band. It'd be like me playing along with Flea.

My throat is really dry and my voice is so shot. I am a little run-down but I must have a throat bug which I suppose is better than having it in the ear or nose.

Still reading Pink Floyd & Philosophy and I wrote a letter to the essayist I'd mentioned yesterday and he wrote with a brief but thankful response. I was able to see that just before I departed for the day.

The "pedestrian safety" folks are doing a lax job at the light at Albany Street. Their presence isn't as obvious as it should be and their directions/instructions are unclear.

Thank you for reading.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

back in the saddle

Well today has been a breeze thus far. The one snafu is that I am w/o a wallet. This is what happens ("do you see what happens?") when I decide to change backpacks. Thankfully I had the foresight to take care of the train pass, which is harder to live without these days.

This is my first day on the bike since last Thurs. I realize hadn't blogged about Thursday but it was largely uneventful. In an unrelated detail, that morning was filled with Van Halen selections from 1984 and 5150. You can dislike Hagar all you want but I think he is a very inspiring out-of-shape guy.

Friday had very bad weather and yesterday started out rainy so I had to give it a rest which was not unwelcome because my throat was a little sore/swollen these past few days. I think I just wore myself out on Thursday when I biked, ran, biked, and hit the gym. Last summer that was actually par for the course but I think this time around it was too much for my central nervous system. When I hit the gym on Sat and last nite, I was not as intense but I don't like wearing myself out when my sinuses are involved. I'll strip myself of every joule so long as I know I won't cough but I don't want to have to waste a sick day because I saw it coming.

I had begun reading Walden and was just not in the mood for it the few times I cracked it open. It was probably a combination of the dreary subject matter and my frame of mind on the train. Right now, it's not for me, so it returns to the shelf.

I decided to read something that interests me so I opened Pink Floyd And Philosophy and I am really enjoying it, even moreso than the South Park installment of the series. At first I jumped around to read the chapters that seemed most fun -- one about synching Dark Side of the Moon with "Wizard of Oz" (it totally works the first time around); but then I started going with the flow of the book and it's quite wonderful. My favorite one thus far is about alienation by David Detmer and I like his best (so far) because he's not cramming philosophical facts and theories down your throat but he gradually weaves them in and out of the song meanings. I think I will email him and tell him that he wrote a real gem. I'm not a philosophy buff, but give me a topic I am really in to and I'll read about it from many subversive angles. The series has inspired me to write one of my own (at least, one essay) for one thing that is very close to me but I'll describe that once I have finished a first draft. So for the most part today I was writing on the train about a very near-and-dear topic and it flows from me quite easily because I know it like the back of my hand. You can make all the masturbation jokes you want (and it'd be funny as all hell) but that's not it.

As I am riding today it's a very nice day out and I am happy because I am inspired. While writing as opposed to typing takes a little longer I feel a little less pressure that way. I am listening to some older Velvet Revolver songs that I have ignored for a couple of years. Glad I saw them live when I did.

I sound hoarse today but I don't think I am sick, in fact I feel pretty good. Just going to drink a lot of honey-fied tea today and knock some stuff out of the park.

Thank you for reading.

"Us & Them" - Steve Blanco Trio
"She Builds Quick Machines," "Do It For the Kids," "Big Machine" - Velvet Revolver
"Unchained" - Van Halen
"My Wave" - Soundgarden