Tuesday, March 15, 2011

11-11 on the month

Morning: Still sore (perhaps even moreso) this morning but am making good time. Reading my philosophy mag and an interview with Martha Nussbaum. I'm pretty stressed out having some sort of knowledge that something's going down @ work today. From what I understand it will not effect me and as far as I'm concerned, by making good on some promises I made when I was hired, and taking on a few additional responsibilities, I'm as indispensable as I can be. I have given a lot of thought to office politics and the awkward communication scenarios some people present -- one person told me that by not speaking to me at all, that means everything is fine and I'm doing a fine job. If we were working in different offices I'd take no offense, but we sit feet away from each other, and if anyone conjures the nerve to claim I don't work hard enough, I will remind them that this is the leadership I'm obligated to adhere to.

Evening: I don't have good answers, if any, for anyone and that's bumming me out. People standing in my lane are also bumming me out. They see me coming but don't move. I get as close as I can sometimes just to see if they'll budge, but apparently they are really important people with really important envelopes and are wearing really torn and frayed clothes. I will have tomorrow as a 'bye' -- just as well the morning's supposed to be wet.

Thank you for reading.

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