Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Oh come, sweet DMV, one MORE last caress

Note to self: Do not go to the DMV at Herald Square ever again. Having gotten there less than 15 minutes after it had opened, the line for the tickets was out the door.

You look @ that and just feel your eyes involuntarily retreating to the back of your skull. Whilst listening to a familiar list (which started after crossing the Highway) after exiting the Piers' bathroom, I just breezed southbound.

I read a lot of the Miller book yesterday (2 DMV sessions and a 30-minute train delay affords one some time to catch up on literature) and today's section focuses on music, which I enjoy. Must also research and listen to the work of Edgar Varese. One particular line really speaks to me -- shakes me to my core. "Death is one thing and deadness is another." Deadness is something I can feel but do my best to shake off by way of reading and exercising and eating well and being married. I do feel deadness (in small doses, oftentimes) during the course of the mandatory 40-hour week. It comes with the territory in feeling unfulfilled (in this case, with regard to my current desk jockeying.) The best forms of education, literature, entertainment and communication, I realize, exploit this topic. Recently, Daytripper really delved in to it and that's why that book stays with me.

Others: Thin Red Line (book and film), Life: A User's Manual, Farewell to Arms, Death Magnetic, Henry Rollins, RHCP.

I'm not complaining, really, I just want more out of life.

I have made good time getting to the downtown DMV and will try to get everything done there now.

Post Script: I'm finally done! There are forms I can mail in for other things and I will gladly do that. Leaving that place of deadness -- where they intentionally try to keep you subconsciously happy by playing disco tunes, I see through that one -- the truckers looked at me funny as I felt like I just made a huge bowel movement and to my delight, I only needed to wipe once. There's imagery for ya!

Thank you for reading.

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