Wednesday, November 30, 2011

"Blowin' Session" in the wind

It's not cold, per se, but the veracity of the wind makes it feel as such.

Had a rough morning, as I woke up really really late but made the 818 so it's all good. Now I'm just fixated on having a breakfast sandwich from a large chain b/c the coupon I have expires today. I will get eggs with all sorts of trimmings and guacamole on it. Kind of wish I'd brought a powerbar or something with me but it's alright, I can manage.

I'm listening to some of the longer tracks off Johnny Griffin's Blowin' Session. On this particular session it's Lee Morgan on tp and three tenors, Griffin, Mobley & Coltrane. Good luck following any one of those 3, let alone Morgan.

My left knee is bothering me a bit but that could be from the way I sleep or sit. My foot is fine, though.

Read through the end of the first Part/Act of GE yesterday, and knocked out a couple of chapters this morning. It's growing on me, and I'm noticing that as Pip's reminiscences proceed, his vocabulary is enhanced, as is his commentary and the descriptions more enhanced. I like reading this sort of thing but my next book for sure will be Lewis Black's Christmas book.

I love this bike.

Thank you for reading.

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

New paved lane

First morning here in 6 days.
Listening to Endgame and Th1rt3en.
One thing I notice is that there's now a bike lane on 29th going west. I remember it had been started last week but now it's in full swing. The only problem I have with it is that as we get to the highway, the lane is in the middle of the road. It's done like that b/c cars/trucks can only go right or left there, but I'm a little skeptical. Didn't matter today anyway, b/c I didn't make the light so I went to 26th and made that one right on time.
I got some new clothes for mild exercise like this, and I'm feeling a little sore, since I ran 2 RTs (8.5 - 8.8 miles) on the boardwalk yesterday at 66 minutes. That's pretty much keeping the pace of my half maras there, which I did on Thanksgiving day.
Still, it's pretty warm out and the tough part was the gusts earlier on.
Saw Peter Dinklage as I go further south, closer to Tribeca area. I made eye contact & smiled, but he just momentarily stared back. I wanted to re-introduce myself since I had interviewed him for my first NYLJ feature but it's not worth it.
The remainder of the year won't be so bad, since I will only have to work one five-day week. Between the remaining holiday and days I have left I will space them out accordingly.
I have shaken the cold I'd had and now I'm pretty much at full force. I had a lot to drink in the past week -- not a lot for a regular drinker, but a lot for me, and I can feel its effects on me. I'm a little sluggish compared to 3 weeks ago.
Still reading GE, but read more during today's train ride than all of the past 5 days combined. Things have been good and I'll make it my business to maintain this.
Thank you for reading.

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Flipping a coin re: the rain

It wasn't raining this morning.
I was almost banking on it, and it didn't happen.
So I'm picking up where I left off on Th1rte3n and heading along. No pack again. I realize I have to will myself to alter my posture without a backpack.
Last nite was an unpleasant ride in the rain. I've had worse, but it's intensified by the darkness.
Today was supposed to be rain all day, but it might clear up by the time I'm scheduled to leave for the day.
I'm reading Great Expectations and I feel bad for Pip, who, like the South Park character of the same name, is disliked for no other reason than that he's a child.
There isn't much going on. If I'm lucky I will get out before 4 today, as there's no reason for me to stay longer. It's going to be a nice long weekend.
Thank you for reading.

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Con El Uno Sin Backpack

I'm able to carry all that I need in the kangaroo pouch today.

Started reading Great Expectations on the train and finished exactly the first 3 chapters. The only problem here with reading it is that I hear the accents I heard when reading Faulkner, which I know isn't true. I have to get the Americana out of my head. Also, because my brother-in-law was intent on telling me every last detail of the film's story (thankfully I reminded him that I hadn't read the book and wanted to and he had to show probably an enormous amount of restraint) I already know/knew what the first chapters had in store. I have to plow through and get through another few to get past those details.

The interesting thing about this book is that this paperback copy that I have, which is in pristine condition, is really old. It was a permanent fixture in a small bookshelf in my old room in my parents' house. Copyright in the book is 1998, so it was there for roughly ten years and I am vexed as to how it got there, who gave it to us (me or my brother, or my sister, for that matter) and how it managed to be completely unblemished.

I'm listening to Megadeth's Th1rte3n. It's still solid, especially for days like this when I just need to get going. Wanted to hit the gym last nite but I'm still coughing too much for my liking. Don't want to make myself worse and don't want to cough all over the equipment.

Last nite, as I was waiting for the crossing guardpoles to ascend, I realized I couldn't pedal b/c part of a strap that was attached for the benefit of the lock was caught in the chain. Long story short, I was able to cut it and ride home, but the plastic guard/cover of the chain was partially off. I got home and the little piece of strap was gone, but I had to re-cover the chain. I was really frustrated and disappointed in myself since it's a new bike and carelessness like this can cost time, money and effort. So I had cautious expectations this morning, but it actually rides fine. I hope I'm not jinxing myself by writing that. It is gray out and will likely remain that way during the next day's worth of daylight hours. If it rains as much/as badly as they say it will tomorrow, I will leave the bike home. Maybe the metrocard I found this morning will pay for that commute. We'll see.

Thank you for reading.

Monday, November 21, 2011

An Oz-tastic morn.

It's the start of a 3-day week.
My feeling is just to wade through it and get it over with.
Listening to Ozzy's No More Tears, spec. the title track, "Time After Time," "Zombie Stomp," "AVH" "Road to Nowhere."
I'm not in a bad mood but I'm getting over this sinus cold and I'm more bummed about the fact that I was fine yesterday until about 6 p.m., and then started coughing. Also I drank about 2/3 a bottle of red wine last nite, which knocked me out after dinner.
It's not very cold this morning and I'm not moving too hard.
Reading Battler Britton tpb this morning but was only able to finish part 1. I know I have read pt 1 (at least) before, but I have only the vaguest recollection. It's good but on the train I was still a little worn out. This week I'll likely start reading Great Expectations.
Yesterday I finished reading Michael Chabon's Manhood for Amateurs, which I bought over the summer for an astoundingly low price and read intermittently at home. It really is a great read and thankfully, since it's a collection of memoir and personal essays, it's the sort of book I'm sure I'll refer to several times. It makes me want to write a similar book, and there's no reason I shouldn't.
One thing I can do on the Uno that I couldn't do on the Boardwalk is ride with no hands. I don't need to do that but I tried it and b/c it's more solid, I can do that to keep my hands warm if need be. But I have those new gloves, so that shouldn't happen often. I didn't feel confident doing that on the old bike.
Yesterday was really nice out and I would've loved to have run but I didn't want to dig myself into a deeper hole. Thursday (Thanksgiving) morning will be the morning.
I did feel this weekend that a lot of the intensity was out of my system and that could've been from a confluence of things:

Listening to mostly jazz;
reading a lot;
not exercising as much;
forced relaxation.

Even the way I feel about work has sort of subsided for the time being and it's not that I'm selling out or anything like that but I'm playing the hand I'm dealt. Can't be "on" all the time -- I'm "on" most of the time so giving myself the week or so to get it together will be good. I don't mind being away for long periods of time. Two weeks ago I satisfied the biophiliac in me and now I'm paying for it, physically, I think but it's effecting me mentally a little, too.

Let's just get through the week as dry as possible.

Thank you for reading.

Friday, November 18, 2011

Rt # 510

First full week with El Uno.
While I'm not moving any faster, per se, it's a smoother ride for sure b/c the bike is built better, of better, lighter metal.
I can feel the wear in my legs, surprisingly. My guess is that it's a combination of a first full week, change in weather, and minor run-downedness. That's all good, though, b/c as "fun" as this might be in the summer, it's hard work in the late fall and winter. I'm wearing new Thinsulate gloves I just bought that work really well and I wish I had brought them yesterday.
Finally had breakfast again this week @ the house and took the recommended two shots of DayQuil. Listening to Chickenfoot III for the first time in a little while.
Read an essay in Dialogue, the periodical that I rec'd from Molloy's Philosophy dept. It was about how Nietzsche and Shopenhauer were on two sides of the same coin if we live in a world without God, and it concludes that the process of thought itself is what makes us human and is the journey each of us is on, in itself. The essay was good for someone like me who is not fully indoctrinated -- it gave a good history of both philosophers' beliefs and used solid historical examples. Any more "scholarly" and it would probably have been worthy of a national mag, but might get too wordy and tough.

Here are my thoughts on a couple of minor things I've written about:

1. OWS protesters seem to want someone to come out and take the fall and/or come clean. The person they want is "The Man," best characterized in the underrated 2002 comedy "Undercover Brother." In the film, we don't see The Man's face, but it is confirmed that he is an actual individual; an average white man in a suit somewhere in his early 60s. He seems to embody a generic businessman who has made money off the backs of people he doesn't value. There could be a "Man." If he's down here on Wall Street, I'm doubtful that he's going to uncover himself. Another personification has been done twice very well by Michael Douglas, and who could forget the Duke brothers from "Trading Places." The point is, they want someone to get his comeuppance, and since they haven't singled out any one person (they've sort of picked the President), no one is going to volunteer to plead guilty to moral and ethical crimes against society.

2. The Manhattan Mini-Storage sign I wrote about yesterday: I think it's an insult to them both, that Romney and Obama are unpopular, but it's still a dumb slogan. Real easy to step up to the plate and not swing at anything, or better yet, just hit foul balls.

Thank you for reading.

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Manhattan Mini-Storage's Vexing Slogan - Can you figure it out?

No music today.
Can't explain why, but it's not necessary.
It's colder today than it has been since March, so I will remind myself to bring gloves tomorrow. Throat is still a little scratchy.
Finished Crime & Punishment yesterday. Pretty wild read. All about your definition of "will," "repentance" and lack thereof. I'm sure more thoughts will re-surface about this book, but basically it questions morality and law, so it's in line with some of the philosophy-based books I've read.
There is the matter of an ad in Chelsea that Manhattan Mini-Storage is boasting. Their last one was good: "Don't like gay marriage? Don't get gay married." Ok so that one makes sense and is taking a relevant topic and running with it -- even though gay marriage has nothing to do with storing your old stationary bike, vinyl collection, Nordic Trac and grandma's sofa. But here's the new editorial copy of the ad (atop a building across the street that one cannot miss as he moves south on the highway, just after Chelsea Piers):

"Mitt Romney?
That guy couldn't
even beat Obama!"

So last I checked, Mitt Romney hasn't squared off against Obama -- so "couldn't" is inaccurate, which I could forgive. They are from different states and political parties and couldn't could denote that it's been tried and done (and would-be failed). One word is throwing me, and the whole ad off -- the word is: EVEN.

In the context of this ad, it suggests that they have debated, and even that Romney has run and lost against the president. Seems like they are trying to "stick it" to Republicans and/or it's a backhanded compliment for the president (and considering where I work, I'm quite adept at picking up on even the subtlest backhanded compliment), but the use of the word EVEN is throwing me off to the point where I'm considering walking in and asking them to take it down on the grounds of confusion and poor word-usage/selection.

Without EVEN, the ad makes sense, and its (possible) slant aside, I could let it slide. But it's been up for a few weeks and I am worried my nose might start bleeding if I see it for too much longer without an explanation.

So, Mr. Mini-Storage, if you are out there, please explain this phrase. It seems inaccurate and poorly researched and thought-out. If you cannot provide one or provide an unsatisfactory explanation, your marketing director ought to be fired and replaced (by me).

My left foot is still a little bruised but not as prevalent as I've doubled my socks.

Thank you for reading.

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Dia tres con el Uno

First day in light, intermittent rain. Last nite the forecast called for a steady rain all day, but it wasn't raining when I left. Had another hard time waking up and didn't get out of bed until about 10 to 8 which is not good.
My left foot is still bruised but otherwise I'm getting a little better each day though my throat is a little scratchy. It's really nice to have a solid bike with solid joints.
Listening to Foo again, nice mix of a few older and newer ones. ("Ain't It The Life," "MIA," "Bridge Burning" "Back and Forth" "Matter of Time")
I am nearing the end of C&P, but the POV (though told in the 3rd person) changed in Chapter 5. I was once told in an English class that if you are going to do that you need to at least start a new chapter or hit the enter space a few times. It could be the translation but it ought not be like that.
Was able to do my shoulders, back and tris last nite and I even kind of worked up a sweat. Will stay out of the gym until Saturday as I want to take it easy this week since I pushed so hard last week.
I'm a little groggy and hungry and that's about it.
The OWS folks are not allowed back in the park yet.
Thank you for reading.

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Dia dos con el Uno

Looks as though it will rain later on so I'll bring the bike in today. The lock is horizontally hanging off the seat so I hit it a little on my left with each revolution.

I slept better last nite -- a little too good, as I woke up pretty late. Still made the train but my breakfast wasn't of the most nutritional content. Reese's and banana and milk.

Read about 15 pgs of C&P. Rodion has confessed his crime but not to anyone of authority. Looking forward to the denouement.

Listening to the new JA again, and as I'm moving south I notice at least three helicopters above, all facing me, which means they are facing the Hudson. I'm turned to the right to see if (hopefully not) another crash happened, but thankfully that doesn't seem to be the case. My feeling is they are getting an aerial view of something in the street, so it must be OWS-related.

My back feels a lot better today but my left foot is still bruised, so no running, even though it's warm out now.

Upon reaching Albany, I took the OWS street up and they were all cleared out. Protesters are still around but not in the park. Shit must've hit the fan.

Thank you for reading.

Monday, November 14, 2011

Uno day with the Uno

Having upgraded to an Uno, the ride is certainly smoother.

The Uno is lighter, and its joints are tighter (for now, we'll see how it holds up after the winter), and certain parts are not as exposed. No brake in front, which does take some acclimation, but the rear brakes work very well. The morning ride, however, won't provide a great indication of its poignancy, since I don't to stop very much. The return ride through 6th is where the real test will commence. I also had the bikeshop technician take the fenders off the old (still existing) one and throw it on. It uglies it up a bit, but this ain't no beauty contest. I want to stay as dry as possible.

Saw Foo Fighters last nite with Lex and it was wild but I'm pretty tired. They are one of the most fun/intense bands to watch, especially b/c of Grohl. I'm glad I love the new album as much as I do b/c it got its play time. I've got "Let It Die" stuck in my head. Glad they fit that in last nite, too. Got to see some old friends, too, which was a cool thing as they were two of the few whom I truly still care about.

This morning it's still warm enough outside so I don't need a sweatshirt or hoodie. Ran a half-marathon 3x, two of which were last week, one was the Saturday before. That in itself covered me for the lack of biking (which I didn't miss too much) and the normal amt of running I'd do. Giving myself a little bit of a break this week as my left foot feels a little bruised and my lower back on the right is also a little sore -- it was fine and the second I sat down on the train last nite going TO the show it just wasn't right. A hot shower cleared it up last week and I'm sure it will again tonite.

I'm nearing the end of part 5 of Crime and Punishment, and by day's end that part should be over and I'll be left with near 100 pgs to go. It's an engaging read. I'm sure I could've finished it while on break but I didn't want to spend too much time inside, reading, during one of the last sunny/warm parts of the year. The book is really great though, and it's covering all the factual and emotional points of view from all sorts of different crimes. I'm sure at some point next year I'll read the Idiot and the Brothers Karamazov.

I'm certainly not looking forward to the "work" part of work but it won't be so bad for the remainder of the year, between the holidays and remaining time off. There won't be another 5-day week until the last two weeks of the year, which are not tough I just need cover for someone and do some extra reading. Usually a lot of food in the office around that time, too.

I will have to figure out a better way to get the kryptonite lock on here, though, b/c having it hung from the seat is great in theory but only in the morning -- having to re-insert it for the ride back will kill time that I cannot afford to waste.

If I can sit on the train home I fear I will pass right out.

Thank you for reading.

Friday, November 4, 2011

see something...say something RT #505

Had a solid morning. Thought it would be warm enough for longsleeves and shorts but I stopped once I crossed over the WSH and put on the sweatpants. Too windy. Yesterday I could've gotten away with it.

Listening to the last tracks on the new Megadeth. It's a good way for them to exit that label. It's heavy but he's not pulling out all the stops. The final track is essentially what "Victory" was to Youthanasia. Still good though, certainly will get its use during training and running.

Last entry for a week and hopefully the next one will feature my review of a new Dahon bike. Not that I am Mister Bicycle or anything like that but I'm excited for an upgrade.

It was an uninteresting ride except for when I made it to Albany Street. Lots of groups and folks going in to the 9/11 memorial. One group, organized in the alley connecting to Church Street, was led by a guy who clearly stood out as its leader. As I went up the hill toward the gated exit, I noticed a 9/11 memorial bag just left there. I descended and told the cop, in "see something, say something"-fashion, that a bag was left there and it's probably nothing but it's almost tasteless to have that branded bag just laying there. He told the leader of the group (of children) and collected it.

I left my wire for the lock at home so I will just take the bike right inside.

Ran a 21:03 5K yesterday and then for dinner ate two loaves of bread doused with melted butter at Outback before my seafood meal came out. I'm alright today, surprisingly and am looking forward to some time off.

Thank you for reading.

Thursday, November 3, 2011

the plan is set

Having checked out the bikes at a local store, I am confident I will buy my new one next week at the shop that's a short drive away.

Will buy Megadeth today as I plan to run to it during lunch. I intentionally picked today for a run as they had predicted it to be 60 degrees. I was able to leave home the hoodie and just wear the under-armour type of shirt this morning.

Am still intellectually engaged in Crime & Punishment. I don't want to give anything away, mostly b/c there are soooooo many subscribers to my blog, but Rodya is cracking up and is on the verge of confessing out of guilt and maniacism. I'm roughly 150 pgs in. They are getting to more political/economic/philosophical discussions about the motivations behind certain crimes.

Today is the memorial service for my co-worker's daughter. One of my two-person dept. has to stick around in case things come up and so we can publish the paper, and it was more important for my supervisor to go, as she has known him longer. It has been a long long time since anything like this has hit as close as it has. I cannot comprehend the loss with my heart, only my mind and am almost glad I won't be around next week as I don't want to be here on his first day. Let him settle in and maybe the extra time will insulate it all for a while.

Yesterday I co-pub'd the Bar Results and my eyes were kind of shot but I still read on the way home. No one outside of my supervisor thanked me and I of course am only doing it for her and b/c she asks me to do it. The people who take the credit for this work never acknowledge that I do it and we're going on 6 years now, so that's 12x. That's why I'm in no rush this morning, nor any other.

Thank you for reading.

Megadeth - "Good Mourning/Black Friday" "Bad Omen"
RHCP - "Monarchy" "Factory" "Maggie" "Happiness"

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

What's that feeling in my stomach?

Today is a drop cooler than yesterday.

There's something evil lurking in my bowels, and it seems to be a combination of tightening muscle and a vicious number 2.

Am listening to the latter half of The Great Escape Artist. It is catchy and perfect music to ride and run to, but is not as good as Strays nor their greatest hits. It is cool to hear a love song that is not sappy, though. He kind of went that route with the Satellite Party.

Didn't buy the new Megadeth yet, but I will by week's end. Turns out a couple of the songs were already available in other incarnations, but I only had one of them. There was a good review online that said it is good, and leans toward the early 90s sound with a little of Endgame thrown in. Works for me.

Surprisingly I read over 20 pgs of Crime And Punishment this morning on the train. Obviously I am captivated by the story, which at this point (part II) has a "Tell-Tale Heart" feeling to it. At times the 3rd person narrator refers to itself as "we," which is either just part of the dialect or there is a group of people telling the story. Will investigate.

I worked out hard last nite. Did my abs, shoulders and ran a 21:45 5k. There was a guy doing abwork while hanging from the pull up bar that was reminiscent of "Traces" so I will have to emulate that this weekend. I'm still @ 154 and am shocked b/c I pigged out a little yesterday. Either way, I'm obviously doing things right and will stay on this path. Will probably enter the lottery for the NYC Triathlon 2012 today, too.

Thank you for reading.

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

A Warmer Tuesday

I'm slightly overbundled today but you can never be too sure. Yesterday I felt really run-down and didn't want to chance getting sick due to a lunch run. I will work out the abs, shoulders and run tonite. Have certainly pigged out (comparatively) the past 4 days. Halloween and a beautiful fandant cake have seen to the fact that I'm not as lean as I had been. There's a solid chance I will have more time off very soon so I will not sit idly by. Maybe I will also donate some blood or platelets.

The new Megadeth album comes out today. I will get it this week for sure. Listening to Jane's again. This will be the last day the new album is on the recently added playlist.

Crime and Punishment is much better than I thought it would be. It is drab, but thankfully I got my training in drab with A Man Asleep a few months ago so this is a walk in the park in comparison. Part I is coming to a close and I'm engaged. Seems like he might kill the old woman. The idea(l) of the needs of many over the needs of 1 is prevalent in his motivation if Rodya is to go through with it.

There is no question that I will have a new folding bike by next week. If the LB guy cannot give me a deal, I will just go back to Wantagh. I'll last the rest of the week with the current bike and that'll be all.

Last nite's dinner was light and delicious and today's will be no different.

Thank you for reading.