Today is a drop cooler than yesterday.
There's something evil lurking in my bowels, and it seems to be a combination of tightening muscle and a vicious number 2.
Am listening to the latter half of The Great Escape Artist. It is catchy and perfect music to ride and run to, but is not as good as Strays nor their greatest hits. It is cool to hear a love song that is not sappy, though. He kind of went that route with the Satellite Party.
Didn't buy the new Megadeth yet, but I will by week's end. Turns out a couple of the songs were already available in other incarnations, but I only had one of them. There was a good review online that said it is good, and leans toward the early 90s sound with a little of Endgame thrown in. Works for me.
Surprisingly I read over 20 pgs of Crime And Punishment this morning on the train. Obviously I am captivated by the story, which at this point (part II) has a "Tell-Tale Heart" feeling to it. At times the 3rd person narrator refers to itself as "we," which is either just part of the dialect or there is a group of people telling the story. Will investigate.
I worked out hard last nite. Did my abs, shoulders and ran a 21:45 5k. There was a guy doing abwork while hanging from the pull up bar that was reminiscent of "Traces" so I will have to emulate that this weekend. I'm still @ 154 and am shocked b/c I pigged out a little yesterday. Either way, I'm obviously doing things right and will stay on this path. Will probably enter the lottery for the NYC Triathlon 2012 today, too.
Thank you for reading.
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