Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Con El Uno Sin Backpack

I'm able to carry all that I need in the kangaroo pouch today.

Started reading Great Expectations on the train and finished exactly the first 3 chapters. The only problem here with reading it is that I hear the accents I heard when reading Faulkner, which I know isn't true. I have to get the Americana out of my head. Also, because my brother-in-law was intent on telling me every last detail of the film's story (thankfully I reminded him that I hadn't read the book and wanted to and he had to show probably an enormous amount of restraint) I already know/knew what the first chapters had in store. I have to plow through and get through another few to get past those details.

The interesting thing about this book is that this paperback copy that I have, which is in pristine condition, is really old. It was a permanent fixture in a small bookshelf in my old room in my parents' house. Copyright in the book is 1998, so it was there for roughly ten years and I am vexed as to how it got there, who gave it to us (me or my brother, or my sister, for that matter) and how it managed to be completely unblemished.

I'm listening to Megadeth's Th1rte3n. It's still solid, especially for days like this when I just need to get going. Wanted to hit the gym last nite but I'm still coughing too much for my liking. Don't want to make myself worse and don't want to cough all over the equipment.

Last nite, as I was waiting for the crossing guardpoles to ascend, I realized I couldn't pedal b/c part of a strap that was attached for the benefit of the lock was caught in the chain. Long story short, I was able to cut it and ride home, but the plastic guard/cover of the chain was partially off. I got home and the little piece of strap was gone, but I had to re-cover the chain. I was really frustrated and disappointed in myself since it's a new bike and carelessness like this can cost time, money and effort. So I had cautious expectations this morning, but it actually rides fine. I hope I'm not jinxing myself by writing that. It is gray out and will likely remain that way during the next day's worth of daylight hours. If it rains as much/as badly as they say it will tomorrow, I will leave the bike home. Maybe the metrocard I found this morning will pay for that commute. We'll see.

Thank you for reading.

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