Thursday, November 17, 2011

Manhattan Mini-Storage's Vexing Slogan - Can you figure it out?

No music today.
Can't explain why, but it's not necessary.
It's colder today than it has been since March, so I will remind myself to bring gloves tomorrow. Throat is still a little scratchy.
Finished Crime & Punishment yesterday. Pretty wild read. All about your definition of "will," "repentance" and lack thereof. I'm sure more thoughts will re-surface about this book, but basically it questions morality and law, so it's in line with some of the philosophy-based books I've read.
There is the matter of an ad in Chelsea that Manhattan Mini-Storage is boasting. Their last one was good: "Don't like gay marriage? Don't get gay married." Ok so that one makes sense and is taking a relevant topic and running with it -- even though gay marriage has nothing to do with storing your old stationary bike, vinyl collection, Nordic Trac and grandma's sofa. But here's the new editorial copy of the ad (atop a building across the street that one cannot miss as he moves south on the highway, just after Chelsea Piers):

"Mitt Romney?
That guy couldn't
even beat Obama!"

So last I checked, Mitt Romney hasn't squared off against Obama -- so "couldn't" is inaccurate, which I could forgive. They are from different states and political parties and couldn't could denote that it's been tried and done (and would-be failed). One word is throwing me, and the whole ad off -- the word is: EVEN.

In the context of this ad, it suggests that they have debated, and even that Romney has run and lost against the president. Seems like they are trying to "stick it" to Republicans and/or it's a backhanded compliment for the president (and considering where I work, I'm quite adept at picking up on even the subtlest backhanded compliment), but the use of the word EVEN is throwing me off to the point where I'm considering walking in and asking them to take it down on the grounds of confusion and poor word-usage/selection.

Without EVEN, the ad makes sense, and its (possible) slant aside, I could let it slide. But it's been up for a few weeks and I am worried my nose might start bleeding if I see it for too much longer without an explanation.

So, Mr. Mini-Storage, if you are out there, please explain this phrase. It seems inaccurate and poorly researched and thought-out. If you cannot provide one or provide an unsatisfactory explanation, your marketing director ought to be fired and replaced (by me).

My left foot is still a little bruised but not as prevalent as I've doubled my socks.

Thank you for reading.

1 comment:

  1. I work at the Intrepid and stare at manhattan mini storage ads on a daily basis. They drive me crazy, so crazy to the point where I have to google them-and then your blog came up. I personally can't this ad either...
