Thursday, November 5, 2015

Crunch Wrap/Time #25 / 743


I stopped for a Taco Bell Crunch Wrap today b/c of the stolen base during the Series.  The timing wasn't great for me today but whatever, let's just get on with it.  I actually enjoyed my breakfast sandwich, I just wish I could have savored it a bit more.  540 calories so I shouldn't be very hungry for most of the day.

My ride was uneventful and I kinda went out of my way to avoid Jay Street again. I went up to Tillary from Ashland and realized it's not worth it.  As I waited at Tillary and Flatbush, Queensryche - "My Global Mind" played and it was all I can do to realize that no one's doing enough to stop Isis.  I hope those people die.

I was able to dash on to the entrance and the ramp and realized though it's quite warm, it's pretty gray and it was only at the top of the Bridge that I stopped to look up.  My thoughts are elsewhere.  A lot of work to accomplish in very little time.

I'll be ok.  Would have liked to hit the gym last night but we both crashed. Dreamt I met Henry again.

Thank you for reading.

Union - "Do Your Own Thing"
WAMI - "The Rider," "Get Out Of My Way"
Dark Moor - "Lovers"

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