Trying to block out the fact that I may have let something slip by at work. I also have a 9-930 call with lawyer J for his blog. I read about Unicorns in Fortune and how start-ups can be overextended. People will want their ROI.
I tried something a little bit different on the route. Rather than wait at Flatbush, I made the right down Fleet (?) and took it to its end and made a right and took that down to Tillary. Waited a short bit at the corner there but that was ok b/c shoelace came undone.
There are odd words that are reappearing lately -- unicorn (b/c of Gamma Ray) and Tillary (working with a firm with Tillery in its name). Maybe a lottery ticket is in order?
It was a bit of an uphill trek but I was able to piggyback on the right turn-only and made it on to the ramp pretty fast.
I got a free, legitimate download of Queensryche's new song last night, "Arrow of Time." It's almost power metal. Totally rocks.
Mornings are great but last night's ride was the first time in 10 months I had a dark ride and it does put me on edge a bit. Need to leave myself a couple of extra minutes tonight.
It bothers me a bit when the rider before me on the decline is too slow. I don't mind them not pedaling as long as they can "not pedal" as fast as me.
I can feel my legs getting tight. I really want to hit the gym this week. A lot of work to do today.
Thank you for reading.
Eleven - "Crash Today," "Why?"
Accept - "Fall of the Empire"
CIV - "Can't Wait One Minute More"
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