Friday, November 13, 2015

Three Days' Worth of Insight / 27-29 / 745-747

There isn't a whole lot to report this week as far as depth on the bike.

To recap this week:

I threw up 3x on Sunday due to a 24-hour virus I must have caught and it affected me awfully Mon and Tues.  Monday had me @ the office until 10pm.  I was able to complete the EA article amid all the professional chaos of producing a huge issue for SoCal and a sour stomach.

I rode Weds-Friday.  Today the return ride was to Penn to make the 520 home.  Today I've got a little drip.

Yesterday I listened to nearly all of Turbo's Fifth Element. I like it a lot. That and the new Accept album are basically the same thing.  No complaints.

I get down this time of year b/c of the work and also when there's a lack of daylight like I experienced on Weds and Thurs.  Sunday set a harsh tone for the week and it was exacerbated by seemingly endless gray.  Change of weather is also no help.  I can't change this part of me -- I can try but it's a physiological thing.  A fault, sure, but not anything I can eradicate.  You can't always have good days.
There was an awful feeling of repetition this week, especially Mon and Tues, that is also hard to shake.

I will be better next week.

My legs were shot Mon and Tues due to the vomiting so I was pretty happy that I could make the treks.

Thank you for reading.

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