Monday, November 16, 2015

The Nagging Feeling #30 / 748


I've got a few things pending today that I need to get done.  I can catch my breath tomorrow.

I wrote the post or the lawyer yesterday and had it open acknowledging the Paris attacks with a brief allusion to Sept 11 but he was not too keen on it and made it clear not to do it again -- he seems to think I wanted to get SEO up by that but that was of course not my intention.

Made me feel a little crummy but I know in my heart that wasn't what I was going for so I can get past it.

I have to learn what to do about a QR code in order to complete my project today.

I also have to try to ascertain whether I can handle work from another lawyer or push to a contact depending on their referral program.

Tomorrow I will pick up a check.

I was pretty sick Friday night in to Saturday but cleared up on Sunday pretty well and had a nice day with Miri.

Gym sessions will return this week, maybe tomorrow.  I'm ready to destroy again.

All the coughing, nose-blowing and vomiting has kept my abs pretty tight in the times of desk jockeying.

Sonic Highways made me feel a little better during my almost-18-minute ride.

Something From Nothing
The Feast and the Famine
In The Clear

Thank you for reading.

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