Thursday, May 12, 2011

Just a pickup Stray

Worked the bis and shoulders and did some leg work before hitting the road. My weight is back down because I exhibited some self-discipline with the eating, which I'll do again today.
It's another pleasant day here where people are sunbathing, spread-eagle, along the grass beside the Hudson.
Of course there was a truck at the salt mine that we had to stop for. Too many pedestrians are lost in their music and aren't aware of the cars and cyclists around them.
Listening to Strays again. Very excited for tomorrow's Twilight Singers show.
Finished the job book I was reading, which helped me strategize and alter my perception of job interviews. Decided to pick up Miller's Sextet again -- reading about his take on the catharsis of watercolors. I suppose I do the same thing by keeping this blog. Doesn't matter what you enjoy as long as you enjoy something or, at the very least, DO something. Get the hell up. Experience something outside of your comfort zone. Odds are you will be better for it.
As I passed through the WFC, I saw the light would be in my favor and made a mad dash for it. Two older ladies were, of course, charting their course right at my exit. They moved. Then, coming up the alleys, some chick with red-dyed hair and headphones and sunglasses walked straight and then abruptly turned left, and didn't like it when she saw me within inches of her. Too bad -- look around you.
Thank you for reading.

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