Friday, May 6, 2011

RT day #410

Another nice day. Wearing a sweatshirt & shorts. Couldn't get another free coconut water from the GNC in penn today so I'll try again nearby @ work.
There's one thing that does not look comfortable that the beatnicks do along the scenic part of the highway: They lay at a 180-degree angle but cross their legs "indian style." Sorry, uber-skinny dude, but that looks like more pain than it's worth and no one things you look cool with your head on the dirt.
Listening to Mother's Milk again, as it is a sunny Friday and this is the music that is in my soul. Makes me think of several wonderful times in my life and helps me envision future ones. In retrospect, at my wedding after "Get Ready" I should've just launched in to "Higher Ground." I remember enough of it to pull it off. I'm looking forward to the new RHCP album, as it's supposed to be musically different (incorporating a piano and new guitarist). It's slated to come out in August, right around the time of the TOBAY, so maybe it'll give me a boost.
Saw a woman running barefoot and I think she was holding her five-finger shoes. That just looks uncomfortable and gross since she's running on blacktop.
After the WFC today I saw I had missed the light to cross so I took the new overpass and it's actually quite nice. You can get a bird's eye view of the little park(s) for the kids and the floor is smooth.
Yesterday's lunch run was done in 21:20. My legs are not sore. Today will hopefully be pretty good.
Thank you for reading.

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