I'm reminded that the last time I had to work on a Friday, Smithers was out. Glorious days gone by.
I'm without caffeine this morning but I'm With You is with me and it seems that that's all I need.
I'm looking around a little more and noticing that at Hudson River Park (?) are a bunch of tents set up in some sort of conjunction with the surfing competition -- all the teas and energy drinks are there. I saw them yesterday near 14th Street on a closed off part of 6th ave and almost stopped but decided it was more important to hit the gym on time. I was probably right.
My shins are speaking to me and there must be something about my posture that is causing this. It could be that they have been willed out of entropy from last week but I also ran last week (and this past Tues night).
There's much to look forward to this weekend and I am glad I have another Monday-less week next week.
I've been reading Valdez is Coming by Elmore Leonard since Weds even ride. I will have it done by day's end (it's under 150 pgs). It was left for me by a co-worker and since I needed a break from anything too heavy or strenuous, it was actually good timing. I've read at least 3 of his westerns, they are all good and I think his are the only of the genre's that I've read. I've got plenty to read next month and it's time to write some good stuff, too.
I benched 24 reps (3 sets/8) of 180 lbs yesterday eve. I'm sticking with the MH suggestion of doing less reps with heavier weights.
The weather for riding is perfect and I am living it up. I didn't have to take the subway at all in August due to weather conditions. The best part was already having vacation time booked during the earthquake and hurricane and the latter's aftermath. I wouldn't want to deal with corporate bullshit about what day I'm entitled to, and I don't know how I would've felt if Smithers spoke to me at all during that time. Will have to hit Borders next week as they are closing.
The first batch of tracks largely start with Flea.
More thoughts of sorts next week.
Thank you for reading.
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