Tuesday, September 13, 2011

RT day #475

Finished Across the River on the train. It was a good read through and through. Mostly a disenchanted, disillusioned memoir but well done all the same. This is the fifth Hem on the year. I'll squeeze one more in there by its end. On to other things, now.

Just to catch myself up: Yesterday I ran during lunch because one friend was out and the other was saving his voice for an audition. I clocked in at 22:30, which was a pleasant surprise considering I haven't run in about 2 weeks. I was doing it more to reacquaint myself with the pacing, rather than to kill the ghost. Seems to me that when I do kill the ghost I have the potential to shave off more than a minute.

Last nite, the second I got off the train platform, I felt something give in the rear tire and the entire tire came off the wheel. Thankfully my guy @ RVC was able to turn it around before 8 p.m. and I'm back on the road b/c of him.

And now that I'm back on the road, I get the feeling the front wheel is a little light but I can manage. I can feel my legs are a little worn but nothing like the way I feel 30-72 hours after I squat.

I'm realizing that the guitar sound on I'm With You doesn't have the standard "slinky/funky" sound that Frusciante boasted. So "Factory of Faith" sounds more like a rock sequel to "Monarchy of Roses" b/c of that. That, and I don't love the (what sounds like) sampled percussion in "Factory." I feel like it takes away from some of the purity of the band. I like listening to this when I'm on the Highway beside the water, as opposed to along/with the traffic.

I'm really glad there's a new Jane's album coming out soon. The one song I did hear sounded like (praise the rock gods) it could be off Strays!

Nothing much else to report. There is a job I will apply to today, and I may need to write up a quick CV and revise the ol' res.

Thank you for reading.

Megadeth: "Black Friday" "Bad Omen" "I Ain't Superstitious"
Jane's: "Suffer Some"

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