Early Fall is a lovely time of year.
My ride is smooth and uneventful.
There is a man riding north many mornings, whom I saw today, who looks like Skeet Ulrich with a handlebar mustache.
I haven't had any coffee yet. My legs are almost entirely fresh. That means last week, when they were sore, it was from the weight training and not the boardwalk run. I ran a 10K yesterday and I felt fine. Still do.
Watched "Thor" last nite -- it was pretty solid. I'm on the fence about the costumes. They have a tendency to look as though they were bought at a Ricky's. "Walk" plays in the film and during its credits and it made me want to hear it this morn on the train.
Listening to Dust again. Tough to top. The Trees' lost album is coming out in a few weeks. Chickenfoot drops tomorrow. Jane's also in a couple of weeks. In terms of being a rock/music fan, 2011 has been among the most fruitful of years. '06 and fwd have had their moments but this year my 3 fav bands all had new material and a couple of others that I hold in high esteem also are making the world a better place.
My stomach is still pretty tight. I'm not bragging. I worked out the abs hard on Sat., then ran the 10K yesterday and also ate a huge meal yesterday afternoon/evening. It's hard to ascertain if it's a good tight or not, b/c the meal was monstrous.
I'm not moving too hard, mostly b/c I do not feel it's necessary. I'm certainly going to be early. I had wondered how the protesters would fare and they are still out here. They are accepting donations for books and stuff like that. I can drop some off. I hope they like a story about John Wayne Gacy's attorney!
Thank you for reading.
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