Was able to hit the 7-11 across from the station in time to grab my free cinnamon coffee. It's a medium and I reckon its ingestion should provide the caffeine fix for the day.
I listened to the last few tracks of the first disc of the Hume in 90 minutes. It's more of a biography but it certainly explains his basic ideas (many of which were covered well in the TPM I read last week).
By the time I platformed the coffee had shot right through me and I really needed to use the bathroom. I decided to use the one @ the Piers since it's smaller, cleaner and not as congested. In doing so, I stopped at the light at 11th and of course it took forever to change. Upon exiting the bathroom I had this wonderful moment where I could hear the new Chickenfoot album very clearly. The moment had passed the second the light turned green.
After that, I made decent time. I wonder if I'm the only person in the history of the world to listen to a biography of Hume and then play Chickenfoot (or any Sammy Hagar-led band).
I'm only sweating out there b/c I'm wearing the sweatpants. Otherwise it's truly a perfectly nice morning. Sun is mostly out. It may rain and I just want to stay as dry as possible. I'm barebacked again and I'm realizing if I have more interesting audiobooks like this, then I can get away with riding whilst carrying almost nothing. No bag with me today either. Just wallet, phone, Ipod and train pass. It certainly makes it all bearable.
This 4-day week was alright. Next week is a 5-er, with weds being a day off from the bike and the week after that will be a 3-day week, with only 2 potential days for biking. I feel really strong and light and the fact that I've upped my weekend game with longer running distance and slightly heavier lifting, I am in better shape than I had been before the summer had started. If I can get a run in tomorrow morning, then the holiday won't destroy me.
Thank you for reading.
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