Friday, February 10, 2012

Rt # 555 - End of An Era - Doing the Math

Today is the final roundtrip day.

Having drove the Lizard to work today, I was already awake and got hit with a dose of sentimentality about my Manhattan bike path and figured it'd be a swell idea to take my vid camera with me to document what the normal ride is like. Since today is in the 40s I lucked out.

Let's do the math -- say roundtrip it's 250 calories. 130 in the morning b/c it's longer and 120 on the way back, maybe, b/c it's more intense (though shorter). And we'll include carrying it up and down steps.

555 x 250 = 138,750 calories / 3500 (1lb) -- that's 39.6 pounds I kept off by sticking to this regiment. Granted, my vacation time has increased since this began and in the past couple of months I've shortened a few rides by leaving from Bklyn. There were a handful of days where the return ride, while ultimately to Penn, had detours at Baruch. Still, the thought that I could conceivably be almost 200 pounds is thankfully just that. A thought.

555 x 7 = 3885 miles. Let's cut us the slack of having to re-map everything for brooklyn's sake. From what I understand, I've biked the equivalent of to Florida and back.

Money is a tougher one. In order to get a minimum for what I've "not spent" there's a couple of equations. The easiest is to assume that I did 100 RTs at $4 per RT (the price of a roundtrip increased by 50cents in 2009) + 450 at $4.50.

100 x $4 = $400
450 x 4.50= $2025
$2,425 not spent, on a per-ride basis since aug 08.

Then there's the idea that I never would've bought the monthly unlimited anyway.

$2,425 -- minus maybe 300 bucks for repairs and maintenance, the purchase of a 250 dollar POS bike, and a $450 new bike, and that's $1425 (a close guesstimation) not spent. I never once bought an unlimited monthly.

Then there are other reasons for avoiding the subway.
1. It's gross.
2. I have a lot of energy in the morning. I don't want to merely stand.
3. I feel for the cold and destitute out here, I truly do. And when appropriate, I give them food and some change. But I don't want that in my face every morning.
4. Get the cobwebs out of my head.
5. Break in new music. Break out old stuff.
6. Take in the view.
7. That high-pitch frequency combined with the sound of the trains' brakes are more damaging to my ears than the quality of "Death Magnetic."
8. If it breaks down, I'm stuck underground.
9. Someone's almost always looking for a fight.
10. People spill their stuff all over you.

So there you have it.

A cop didn't like that I was taking video. He asked where I was from. I told him the answer, but really, WHAT'S THE DIFFERENCE? I know what he was getting at, though, and honestly, who cares?

There are parts of the area I will miss and I will miss the satisfaction of using this all to my advantage but I am adaptable, so I will make my new situation work out. It's good that I'm already signed up for the triathlon so I will force myself to keep in shape once my body realizes it's not getting the normal cardio.

I will have to come up with another theme for a new blog.

Thank you for reading.

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Rt # 554

Hoping I get one more day of roundtripping, so that I end on a somewhat significant number.
The ride to the new office will be all of 5 minutes, which has now been confirmed at least 2x.
I am actually pretty run-down but it's all right. Had a long day & late nite on Tuesday which put me out of commission yesterday. If you aren't feeling well enough to go to work (and being too tired to do anyone any good counts) then do not go. The sick days are there for a reason.
This will be my penultimate ride. Of course there are far more important things going on in the world and I will stop thinking about only knowing the self pretty soon. My work is important but it's not the be-all-end-all so it's time to reassess once I get acclimated.
This may be my last day with Mr. Smithers and I cannot be happier about that, though there is something to be said for having a nemesis.
More importantly, not having my friends 50 feet away is going to suck and I'll have to work something out.
Thank you for reading.

Monday, February 6, 2012

Counting Down

This is the last Monday I'll be in the Wall St. office.
An interesting thought. Big deal. Keep moving.
Tomorrow there will be a ticker tape parade for the Giants on Broadway. Last time this happened I got horribly delayed as I was on a bike. As fate would have it I am going to see Mark Lanegan live tomorrow nite so I won't be on a bike and I'll be coming from Bklyn, straight under the building so it's going to be fine for me.
Last nite we had my parents over for a Superbowl fiesta and I am a little shaky in my stomach mostly b/c there's too much stuff in there. I had to eat some oatmeal this morning but that was all I could do. I knew drinking coffee would be a bad move so I avoided it.
I hit the gym yesterday and worked out the tris, pecs and back. My bench press sessions are good, but I think I'm going to switch to heavier weights at less reps. The definition of my abs is fading and I'm getting sick of myself.
I finished Agent 6 yesterday. Mr. Smith is now up there as one of my very top fav contemporary fiction writers. He's second probably only to Mr. Leonard -- who has to be the fav. as I have read more than 20 of his works. But as far as a trilogy/character is concerned, this is easily the best one I've ever read. All the ideas in terms of tone, scope and emotion that I had for "Black Market Babies" were executed perfectly in this last book.
Am taking my supervisor to the Capital Grille for lunch, and have slightly nicer clothes in the bag today to blend in nicely. Looking forward to today.
Thank you for reading.

Friday, February 3, 2012

Getting the timing down

Today's interesting only really b/c I was able to time myself, from the moment I got on to the street to the moment I'd turn to get to my new building from Flatbush Ave. Takes 5 minutes. Going to be a piece of cake whether on wheels or foot. The problem is going to be the almost-inevitable weight gain. How will combat that?
I'm operating on little sleep for reasons I cannot provide with any real clarity. Probably anxiety, stress, slightly scratchy throat and excitement.
This will be one of the last rides over the Bridge.
Agent 6 rocks.
Thank you for reading.

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Rt # 551

Feeling pretty good once again. Waking up well, eating breakfast. If I could just hustle a little more in the house I'd be set.

Listening to Chickenfoot III because I worked out pretty hard last nite (tris, legs, chest, back) and all the negative intensity is out of me.

Reading Agent 6 still, at a 60-pg daily count, and it has taken some turns I wouldn't have expected at around pg 160. There are jumps in time now and next time I pick it up I'll be in 1980. They've skipped what, if any, relationship Leo had with the girls upon their return from the US and now he's been caught trying to get across the border, shot in the shoulder.

It's going to be day 2 of unofficial orientation and I continue to feel confident about my new position. "Outlook is good" is what my magic 8-ball would display.

It's not as warm as Tues & Weds, but it's mild for Feb. 2 years ago almost to the day, it was a blizzard and I was trekking to see Pop in his bed. That I don't need a wool hat exemplifies the contrast.

Thank you for reading.

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Gertrude Stein can learn a thing or two from Mr. Smith.

Almost made the 806 but that's alright, I was early for the 813 even after buying a new monthly ticket.
Loving Agent 6. Pages are turning and I am interested. Gertrude Stein can learn a thing or two from Mr. Smith.
It's over 50 degrees outside, or it will be soon. ARE YOU KIDDING ME? It's fantastic! I'm wearing my Key West longsleeve and it feels like Spring. Breaking in the new Metallica EP that came out yesterday. I got it for 5 bucks. 4 songs, 30 minutes. Good deal. These songs are good and certainly will be on my workout playlists. I've decided that only a handful of the Death Magnetic tunes are ones that really resonate on an emotional level, specifically 1-3 and 10. The rest are all really good and I love listening to them but the lyrics don't connect to me beyond wanting to lift, punch, pedal and run. And that's fine.

Today is my first day going over to my new office just to slowly get acclimated for a couple of hrs. I'm excited and taking it very seriously. I think a lot about what the "manager" part of my title will entail and I will emulate the actions of some of the wonderful managers I have worked for and with, and just as effective are the couple of managers I don't see eye-to-eye with, as they have exhibited what NOT to do. Chiefly among them, I am never going to say to anyone: "If I don't talk to you, it means you are doing well." I don't want people having to dread talking to me and I want them to know that I will know that they are doing a good job and that it's valued and recognized. For too long, I've done extra work for a few people who have not acknowledged, nor thanked me for it ("how are you doing?" is not the same as "nice job") and it's not that I didn't know that it wasn't the way to treat people, but b/c I've been exposed to this management style, it's foremost on my mind not to do it. I should never expect loyalty just because I am moving up, the fact is it's a karmic process and I will be the first to put out the good feelings, because I believe in it and it's the right thing to do.
Knowing this in my head and heart fills me with joyful anticipation. Even these bleak Metallica songs cannot bring me down. If anything, they "fuel" me.
Thank you for reading.

Tuesday, January 31, 2012

In the 50s today and over the bridge..."the only cosmonaut"

Almost 85 pgs in to Agent 6 and I'm lovin' it. And to think this all started b/c I used to see Child 44 banners in the subway cars. There is already a dichotomy being played up here, about what the US and USSR wanted to project to outsiders.

I'm taking the Bridge today, as I have a dozen bagels and 1/2 lb of cream cheese in my bag to celebrate my new job and eminent departure. It felt good to get the call and the consideration. Mr. Burns of course had a back-handed compliment that I don't think she meant to convey, but it's a back-handed compliment nonetheless. "We were wondering when you were going to step up and assert yourself." That's what Mr. Burns said to me. Is it any wonder I want to leave her and never look back? Who says that? Does it sound better internally to her? Either way, she was mostly congratulatory but it's just another way to take the wind out of one's sails. I started to get huffy about this, though, as we docked, but put on "Snow" and really meditated on the lyrics and felt better.

This is the first time since my fall last Thurs that I'm taking the BKLYN route. I have my eye on where I'll need to go from V-day on, and it's only 5 minutes on a bike.

Once I got to the bridge entrance, I had to put on Wolfmother's "Cosmonaut," since I knew the cars were below and I was mostly ascending. I listen to this when I run and often strategically leave it for the mid-point of my half-marathons. It was cool to hear this as I was inclining toward the American flag that is atop the bridge, under a blue sky.

I took the music off once I was off the bridge and was a little dismayed to see all these bikes on my rack. But in weather like this, I don't blame anyone for riding. Then again, if they were truly tough, they'd do it daily, like me. Or maybe they normally bring their bikes in.

There was a homeless guy standing outside our building. I gave him one of the bagels and my Zone bar.

It's the beginning of the end.

Thank you for reading.

Monday, January 30, 2012

Word ForW(a)rd

Wearing the new ski mask to along with the bottom so I truly look like I'm going to hold up a bank. That's why people avert their gaze.
Heard some news on Friday before I left that paperwork had been moved so that I will have a new job soon but I place no stock in it, or at least I tell myself that, b/c I have been let down before. But it was from a credible source with no personal stake in it.
Started reading Agent 6 this morning and though it's 470 pgs I know I'm going to crank this one out. I forgot how Smith does his dialogue, but it's all good. I love this stuff, these works of historical fiction in different lands where someone has the internal & external struggles constantly. We'll see how Leo does this time around, as this is the last of this trilogy.
I had a great workout on Saturday, and benched 185 in sets of 8, 8, 7, 7. Took it easy yesterday as I was too tired but I'm hitting it tonite as I have a sworn verbal statement from my mate.
Keeping my expectations low and reasonable.
Thank you for reading.

Friday, January 27, 2012

poison and the tornado

Today's another one of those days where the rain looks worse than it is, and on top of that, it gets a little heavier just as I'm ready to commit to the train I'll take.
I miraculously got a spot at the lot and ran with the bike onto the 813, which is great b/c I am set to buy RHCP tix today at 10. So now I have time to get acclimated.
I expected light-to-moderate rainfall when I got to the street and there was almost nothing. It's just lousy and the ground is wet but that's it.
So all this is an affirmation of my own beliefs and I feel very good about today.
My calves are a little tight but I am moving nicely.
There are parts of Megadeth songs that can just propel you, if you let them.
Case in point is "Poison Was The Cure." Normally this is a running song for me, and I leave it in the last 5 minutes of my 5K playlist. Once the drums kick in I pick it up by about 99% and by the time Dave just starts rattling off the last batch of lyrics after "till I finally threw the towel in" I'm at 200% until the song gives out. Sounds corny but it's true. Lyrically, the song takes me to a place I leave in the recesses of my memory that only comes out when I need the extra adrenaline.
"Tornado of Souls" is just one of the five best metal songs ever. There is something about hearing this song's live version that wakes me up. The opening riff is this all-encompassing metal riff sound that is at once difficult, melodic, powerful, chaotic, and even a drop morose. It's a similar one to "Cowboys from Hell" but this one is where he's facing himself and leaving a part of himself behind, so lyrically this one wins the battle. I did not grow up with these songs and for a long time it was Countdown to Extinction only. But I'm glad b/c I don't know that I could've accepted these songs as a teenager. I think I needed to be an adult, in this time, in NY, to get the message. Same goes for Peace Sells, but Rust In Peace is more concise and is more politically/socially charged.
I hear "Tornado" and for the 5 or 6 minutes I truly feel indestructible.
Megadeth is playing at MSG tomorrow but I don't think I'm going, unfortunately. I don't "need" to, but I really want to and am not dragging my wife to Megadeth.
Thank you for reading.

Thursday, January 26, 2012

Quick fall, still undeterred

Went the Brooklyn route today.
As I'm getting out, some guy with earbuds in was not looking at the 18-wheeler coming at him. People on my side of the street were yelling at him to stop and he did in the nick of time.
I took a little fall today, as there were a couple of potholes that were unavoidable. Got a little banged up but I was fine and there were two cops there. My head and face were untouched (as was my watch) so I just shook it off. Good thing there's a wellness room @ my office.
I asked the cops if there was a better way to the Brooklyn Bridge and they pointed me to Fulton. It was and was not a better way, but it was good that I went that way b/c in a spot where lots of buses were hovering, a quadriplegic person with a speech problem couldn't get her wheelchair over the curb and the bus drivers were too enamored in their conversation to help or notice. So I did. So I suppose it had to happen that way and even though I took a hit, I was able to help someone who would kill for the chance to be able to take a small fall and then walk it off.

Am on the Melanctha life in Three Lives. The issue here is that there is so much attention brought to the fact that the character is black. Book was written 100 years ago, so that a female author was widely published was no small feat, but that she was in fact writing about women was also against the norm. But a black, German woman was pretty wild, too. That's extremely progressive so she gets my kudos for that but I'm more struck by the idea of a story about a black German woman, not the fact that she's black. This story is the meatiest of the three, so we'll see how I do with it by the weekend, b/c I have to pick up Agent 6. At least in Melanctha's story there's some dialogue, but not a whole lot more than Anna's.

Thank you for reading.

Thank you for reading.

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Rt # 545

Caught the 813.
Another unseasonably warm morning. Feels great.
Ran a 22:45 5k yesterday @ lunch. Knees felt a little sting on the bike ride home but it seems to be gone now.Woke up early, started watching a Christopher Walken indie comedy. It's good but it's just like another movie he did a few years ago, "Around the Bend." That one was more of a drama, this one is quirkier.
Am almost finished w/ Part I of Three Lives. It's ok. Not enough dialogue. Nothing is as dialogue-less as Perec's book last summer, but I can see why people would be bored to tears reading this.
Saw Martha Stewart right after the Piers beside the rental sign that is still dumb -- it stands tall and says nothing. I wanted to shout to her that I applied for a job with her company and maybe she could pull some strings -- it would have been that cheesy once-in-a-lifetime movie moment -- but I opted not to do that. She was wearing a tall white coat and she had extra security.
Here I am with a Watchmen hat, listening to Megadeth and with my face mask on -- I don't think this is what she wants copy editing her magazine. But then again...
I read last week about ergonomics on bikes and I'm trying hard to keep it in mind when I ride not to hunch over. It's a hard thing to un-learn. I have a giant rubber band @ work to open up my chest, too.
I got down to Warren Street and decided to stop off @ B&N to pick up the SNL game but they were closed. So I made my way over to the comic book store, and the nerds were open b/c their nerdy clientele "needs" them to open on Weds mornings. What a bunch of nerds. I fit right in, though, with my Watchmen hat.
I have homemade ginger cookies in my bag, courtesy of my wonderful lady, and I'm going to have an early Subway egg sandwich lunch.
Thank you for reading.

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Extra calories to be burned.

Yesterday I turned 31 and the ground conditions were lousy (sludge/slush) and there was a threat/promise of rain in the afternoon. My gut told me to stay off the road and I was better off for it. Got treated to a nice Korean Taco lunch and my co-workers had a little ice cream & cake party for me and then I had the dinner I had asked for and then some and then some more desserts so I am still really stuffed from the Sunday night Greek dinner. I have been surrounded by many good and valued people the past couple of months, between holidays, birthdays and work and meetings and I feel very fortunate and good. It slowly dissipates in the next few months, but hopefully I can counteract that.

I worked out hard on Sunday and am still a little sore but it's back to the grind today. It's near 50 degrees and I will run today at the Seaport. The date for the TOBAY was announced yesterday I will likely sign up today.

On the train today I wondered if I am the only male in history to be a folding bike commuter whilst reading Gertrude Stein's Three Lives. Wanted to get a jump on it after seeing Kathy Bates portray her in "Midnight In Paris" and before the 3rd Tom Rob Smith novel comes my way. Thankfully it's broken in to 3 stories (duh) so I can finish just one, depending on the timing and read the Russian cop novel and then back to Stein.

Caught the 813 and it's sunny and warm and breezy and it's truly a wonderful morning. Usually this time of year we are up to our eyeballs in snow so I'm very fortunate for that, too.

Upon exiting Penn on the 33rd &8th side, I got a free sample of EmergenC.

As I got to the building before the WFCs (DeLoitte?), I rec'd a sample of 5-hr Energy. I now have two of these and I've never even sipped one before.

It dawned on me that last week as I passed by the WFC, someone was walking what looked like a wolf.

Results from recent job interview still pending, though positive feedback was rec'd yesterday. I let it get to my head briefly and then let it go. I have about 5 corp jobs in my job cart to help me stick to my resolution.

I made it downtown by 920. Either I'm getting really fast and/or the lights aligned for me or the train got in a few minutes early.

Thank you for reading.

Megadeth: "Addicted to Chaos"
Foo Fighters: "Bridge Burning"
Crue: "Kickstart" "Dr. Feelgood" "Shout At the Devil"

Friday, January 20, 2012

Another frigid friday

Starting today in Brooklyn.
Felt really confident after yesterday's meeting in this Boro, but I shall revert to cautious optimism and realism and get back to the grind of seeking. The person I met with seemed genuine in terms of interest and also seemed like a really smart and laid back individual, and it'd be great to join that person & team.
But for now, I'll stick to what Rollins would say and never let anyone give me wrong information.
Had a much better workout last nite than anticipated. I was really tired -- I'm sure my adrenaline dropped at about 4 p.m. yesterday -- but thanks to Dave Mustaine and Henry Rollins I was able to summon some energy and put it to good use on my tris, pecs, calves, back and hitting the bag.
Reading the Hoover Digest again, and it really opens my eyes or at the very least, puts things in a perspective that is insightful. There is a slant but it's in the name of nationalism and humaneness, which is fine by me.
The bridge was a toughy this morning and for a second I thought I might have a flat but it was just a tough incline today.
Looking forward to the end of this shortened week, hopefully it's one of my last on Wall Street.
Thank you for reading.

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Bklyn bound lunch day

I feel good today and about today. Feeling positive about a meeting that could lead to a better career outlook. The pressure is off in the sense that I won't be meeting people for the first time and I'm already not just a resume but I that doesn't make me take it any less seriously. It's important and I am confident this is the right next step. I'll be realistic about it all, though, and keep up my resolution later today.

It's cold out today. I can handle it and it's not as bad as days gone by, but it's getting icier. Wearing the bottom-half face mask, though. Saw "Ghost Protocol" last nite. It was on par with the rest of the series but in this one he's not as smooth as he was in the previous installments, which is a nice change. He's human. It's of course unrealistic when he gets hit by a car and can still run but at least they had him limping and suffering a concussion. But at least he's getting hurt a bit more.

Listening to some Megadeth rarities and the first few tracks of "13." Had some Ipod issues that I had to rectify. It doesn't sync perfectly with unchecked songs but I'll work it out.

Took the 818 again, this time it was scheduled correctly.

Have my last 2 BlueNote reissues in my bag and they are rare and it's pretty cool since I've only seen one of the two in the flesh before. Got a good deal on them. They have the hole-punch but I don't care.

Thank you for reading.

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Good Karma On the Highway

The LIRR cracks me up.
Upon getting to the platform they announced that the 818 was on time. Then I looked up and briefly saw the word "Cancel" next to the 818, and not 5 seconds later they announced the train was cancelled. Then, 5 seconds later, the poles came down and the train arrived.
Read an article about the smart was to invest in environmentally-responsible companies and how they monitor and measure their statistics. It's worth delving in to.
Have a phoner @ 3.
Feel good about about conversations I had with some co-workers yesterday. Realistically good, though. Not going to stop with my resolution until something's done.
Got 2 of my last 4 Blue Note albums last nite and they are pretty rare.
I haven't taken this route since last Weds. Today I saw one of the police gates topple over b/c of a helicopter landing on the pad nearby.
On the Highway today and I think the good karma came around, as about halfway downtown, someone passed me and pointed out that I dropped my facemask. Since I did the same the for the little Asian man last Friday that's the circle. Good thing there was another cyclist in the vicinity.
Going to continue re-establishing the good eating habits and hopefully the gut will shrink back to what it was. I cheat myself a little with the Brooklyn trips.
Thank you for reading.

Soundgarden: "Burden In My Hand," "Loud Love," "Hands All Over"
Megadeth: "Addicted to Chaos"
Gilby Clarke: "Cure Me Or Kill Me"

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Rt # 540

We are at the point, here in NY, where 38 degrees isn't so bad, especially if there's no breeze/wind.

Today I had to take the BB path again but it wasn't a bad ride, really. I just need to commit to my turns. My ride would be better and quicker if I can get those down, plus, once Nassau Street is finished with its renovations, I don't have to walk the bike.

Coming off a really good 3 1/2-day weekend. Family, food, Friends and fun for an early birthday celebration. I also realized yesterday that my gym session was merely good b/c I'm still a little depleted from the blood donation Thursday nite. Cannot go at full force just yet.

Reading the Hoover Digest from the Summer, today an article telling the brief history of Chinese leadership and Sun Yat-Sen, whom I knew nothing about.

Am doing my best to live up to the job-hunt resolution but would like to hear back from some contacts before sending out the applications, so that the cover letters will be more convincing and more personable.

Thank you for reading.

Friday, January 13, 2012

Friggin freezing friday

What to say?
I forgot that my mask/faceguard was in my pouch this whole time (I finally remembered to wash it) so I was unnecessarily getting chapped lips over the bridge for nothing.
That screw is still out so I am moderately concerned about the back fender staying intact.
The nail salon below the bridge has its heavy scent.
Before the first incline I told alerted an elder Asian pedestrian that he had dropped a glove and he seemed thankful.
Gave blood last nite but feel fine. This is the type of cold (with some hard snow/hail) that keeps my eyelids half-shut for the morning.
Looking forward to dinner with a friend tonite.
Thank you for reading.

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Meh sday

Ride over the bridge is quick.
I've got the timing down if I hustle and give or take a minute,
It's 5 to the bridge / 5 over the bridge / 5 to the office.
My legs are back to full capacity and I'm taking the day off from working out most likely. Will hit up that boxing class again tomorrow, though.
It's pretty warm (mid 40s) today and if it's tolerable now, odds are it will be even warmer later on.
Upon parking I realized that the screw that holds my rear fender (on the right) is gone forever. Need a new one which is a problem b/c they are of an unusual size.
Kind of bummed me out.
I will drop off the ID I found in the mail if I don't hear back from the guy who lost it in the morning.
Thank you for reading.

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

running into a gift horse's mouth

It's a longer ride for sure on the old way.
RE: the new bike lane the city paved along 29th to the Highway -- I almost rode head first into a cop on horseback. I'm in the lane and buses are parked to the left. Just where the sewage treatment depot sits, I just managed to notice a horse eeking its way in to my lane. Now the cop was going the wrong way in the lane, but I'm quite sure had I not acted so quickly, I'd have been issued a citation for some sort of trumped-up BS. There was NOWHERE ELSE for the cop and horse to be right then and there?
Anyway, I am listening to QOTSA. Era Vulgaris is not as good as Songs For the Deaf and I never listened to Lullabyes.
Today is the boxing class at lunch and I'm going to polish up my mock Lewis Black book review. I opted not to write it based on the Gaines novel.
My legs are still a little sore but nothing I cannot handle. It's getting colder for real this time and I might need to dress a little warmer under the sweatshirt.
The goal is to get leaner again as there's a chance I might get in to the NY Ironman.
Thank you for reading.

Monday, January 9, 2012

Return ride within 20 min.

For a guy who started the day really sore I made great time getting back to Penn.
I worked out the shoulders and tris at the gym today but I think the 5-10 min in the sauna loosened up my legs b/c I felt pretty limber all things considered.
It's a good day when Smithers isn't around -- I can accomplish a lot.
It's not even that cold out I know it will eventually get worse but this is tolerable.
Thank you for reading.

soreness on ride 536

I had every intention of taking the Bklyn train today and it was reinforced when the traffic report said there were delays from Jam. to Penn. So HA!
I ran my half-mar on the Boardwalk on Saturday (in 1:50 -- not a great time, but it's been a while) and am still pretty sore. Going up the Bridge was difficult and I was rewarded with that soothing smell of nail polish at the peak.
Smithers is out today and I have some personal work to do, so my attitude is get in, do the real work and get other things done in small doses. An interesting professional prospect came up yesterday for book reviewing but I want to familiarize myself with their format/style before I put anything down. I got like this when I started the real estate column, and I know once I do a few it will be fine but the first one or two is always the toughest thing b/c I want it to be too good.
It's not terribly cold -- nothing like early last week.
Going to hit the gym today again during lunch so I can come home and eat chili and have a brewhaha and watch the rest of "Todd Margaret."
Finished A Lesson Before Dying on Saturday and it was a good read. That is what my mock review for the freelance gig will be about.
My legs are sore all over.
Thank you for reading.

Friday, January 6, 2012

over the bridge

It's much warmer today than the past couple of days.
Read 75 pgs of the book yesterday and will maintain my 50-pg rate today.
Also going to start a free week at a gym behind the office so I get the luxury of a shower, too. Today I'm going to work the abs. Tomorrow I'll do my shoulders before I run and Sunday will be a day off. I'm not thrilled with the way my midsection is looking. I realize I have cheated myself a little by driving to the station these past few weeks (not today, though) but it's also all the extra food and sugar I'm ingesting. It all adds up. Plus in November I had done a good job with extra running sessions and that's why I kicked ass on Thanksgiving. But I sort of anticipated this and it was good to give myself a little rest and now I hopefully will have the strength to be faster and better.
I got a little lost today trying to find the Bridge entrance. It wasn't so bad and I didn't get lost-lost. Just tried to figure out a shortcut and I've decided not to try that route again.
It's supposedly in the upper40s to low 50s today.
I've got no pack. Just me and a couple of layers and some necessities.
Also heard back from a job application I submitted.
Good way to end a week.
Thank you for reading.

Thursday, January 5, 2012

the 825

Today is pretty much a repeat of yestermorning, only this time I have the hand warmers. I'll take what I can get. I also found my other glove liner so I'm a little bit warmer, generally, plus it's not as frigid today, though my toes are frozen.

I wish I had more control over my dreams while I'm dreaming. Oftentimes I'm more of an observer than the director and I try to prepare myself for that sort of thing but there's no amount of pep talk that can do the job.

My hood is lower closer to my eyes so that I can mostly avoid it cutting in to them. The train was 7 minutes late today so in reality I made an 8:25. I knew something was amiss when I didn't hear the bells and then saw people still waiting on the platform.

Am at a 50-page-per-day rate on Dying. It's good, not a difficult read but it's emotionally dense. Let it take me for the ride.

No lock today I forgot it at the car so I'll bring the bike in.

There are joggers out today and sparse cyclists but that's all. I had a solid workout last nite on my pecs and tris. First really good workout of the New Year. Biohazard rules!

Thank you for reading.

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

...And every kingdom of rain keeps pouring down...

It's colder today than yesterday and my toes are frosted up but it's not as windy. In fact, there's barely a breeze so it's within in me to move forward. The problem is that I forgot my hat, but neutralized that with my hood and just wore the helmet so that my scalp was not exposed to this near-zero-feeling air.

Began reading A Lesson Before Dying by Ernest Gaines today. It's been on the bookshelf since the lizard and I moved in together so it's time I get to reading it. It dawns on me that the setting in the book will be the same as the one which I'll have my jazz brunch so that's kind of cool. Regardless this will not be an uplifting read, but then again the Hemingway stories yesterday were sort of a downer, too. Good read, and I'm sure this will be, too, but sad.

Very excited to see Mark Lanegan next month, though my brother-in-arms is not joining me perhaps the Lizard will. Had the first incarnation of "Kingdoms of Rain" in my head as I rode since it was the last thing I heard before exiting the train. The 2nd version has a more dramatic interpretation of the chorus.

No coffee yet, but I'm probably better for it. I will quickly hit the gym and work on my pecs and tris before dinner and supposedly Saturday will have nice weather in the upper 40s so maybe I can knock out a half-mar on the boardwalk.

Thank you for reading.

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Starting the New Year off with gangrene

First ride of the new year in the freezing friggin cold.
I've had worse, there is no doubt about it. But this is the worst in a really really long time. These running jackets are perfect under armor, under a hoodie.
I want this year to be better and a lot of that is within me to initiate.
I'm just so cold right now. I had to lift the scarf to my chin. I should've washed the ski mask this past weekend.
Read most of the Snows of Kilimanjaro on the train. I think I have less than 10 pgs to go. It's a longer short story and I new I couldn't finish it on the one ride. So far it's my favorite of the shorts I've read. There's not a whole lot of time but theme of lying aloud so much you comfort yourself with it is more universal than one would imagine. I think as a kid I would doubt him but as an adult I believe it. It'll be interesting to see the adaptation. It's been almost 3 years since I was booted from the snooty New Yorkers' reading group where they yelled at me and told me to read Hemingway. That was fine but I wasn't trying to write a Hemingway-type story and I think what I showed them was such a shock to their literary senses that they were repelled. I don't care anymore, the advice was good. Still, I laugh at that because my intentions were so good and they were met with such contempt.
The bike was tuned-up and fixed yesterday and I can see where there was indeed a bolt missing on the bottom left. The clicking noise has ceased and all is well on that front.
I didn't want to listen to heavy stuff but the wind is so bitter and cold I need to sharpen the old senses. That's why I had to put on "Trapped Under Ice," "Escape" and "Creeping Death" off Ride the Lightning.
Sent out a bunch of resumes in the past couple of weeks and hopefully the decision-makers have returned to their offices and seek me out this week.
Thank you for reading.