Tuesday, January 31, 2012

In the 50s today and over the bridge..."the only cosmonaut"

Almost 85 pgs in to Agent 6 and I'm lovin' it. And to think this all started b/c I used to see Child 44 banners in the subway cars. There is already a dichotomy being played up here, about what the US and USSR wanted to project to outsiders.

I'm taking the Bridge today, as I have a dozen bagels and 1/2 lb of cream cheese in my bag to celebrate my new job and eminent departure. It felt good to get the call and the consideration. Mr. Burns of course had a back-handed compliment that I don't think she meant to convey, but it's a back-handed compliment nonetheless. "We were wondering when you were going to step up and assert yourself." That's what Mr. Burns said to me. Is it any wonder I want to leave her and never look back? Who says that? Does it sound better internally to her? Either way, she was mostly congratulatory but it's just another way to take the wind out of one's sails. I started to get huffy about this, though, as we docked, but put on "Snow" and really meditated on the lyrics and felt better.

This is the first time since my fall last Thurs that I'm taking the BKLYN route. I have my eye on where I'll need to go from V-day on, and it's only 5 minutes on a bike.

Once I got to the bridge entrance, I had to put on Wolfmother's "Cosmonaut," since I knew the cars were below and I was mostly ascending. I listen to this when I run and often strategically leave it for the mid-point of my half-marathons. It was cool to hear this as I was inclining toward the American flag that is atop the bridge, under a blue sky.

I took the music off once I was off the bridge and was a little dismayed to see all these bikes on my rack. But in weather like this, I don't blame anyone for riding. Then again, if they were truly tough, they'd do it daily, like me. Or maybe they normally bring their bikes in.

There was a homeless guy standing outside our building. I gave him one of the bagels and my Zone bar.

It's the beginning of the end.

Thank you for reading.

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