Thursday, January 5, 2012

the 825

Today is pretty much a repeat of yestermorning, only this time I have the hand warmers. I'll take what I can get. I also found my other glove liner so I'm a little bit warmer, generally, plus it's not as frigid today, though my toes are frozen.

I wish I had more control over my dreams while I'm dreaming. Oftentimes I'm more of an observer than the director and I try to prepare myself for that sort of thing but there's no amount of pep talk that can do the job.

My hood is lower closer to my eyes so that I can mostly avoid it cutting in to them. The train was 7 minutes late today so in reality I made an 8:25. I knew something was amiss when I didn't hear the bells and then saw people still waiting on the platform.

Am at a 50-page-per-day rate on Dying. It's good, not a difficult read but it's emotionally dense. Let it take me for the ride.

No lock today I forgot it at the car so I'll bring the bike in.

There are joggers out today and sparse cyclists but that's all. I had a solid workout last nite on my pecs and tris. First really good workout of the New Year. Biohazard rules!

Thank you for reading.

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