Monday, January 9, 2012

soreness on ride 536

I had every intention of taking the Bklyn train today and it was reinforced when the traffic report said there were delays from Jam. to Penn. So HA!
I ran my half-mar on the Boardwalk on Saturday (in 1:50 -- not a great time, but it's been a while) and am still pretty sore. Going up the Bridge was difficult and I was rewarded with that soothing smell of nail polish at the peak.
Smithers is out today and I have some personal work to do, so my attitude is get in, do the real work and get other things done in small doses. An interesting professional prospect came up yesterday for book reviewing but I want to familiarize myself with their format/style before I put anything down. I got like this when I started the real estate column, and I know once I do a few it will be fine but the first one or two is always the toughest thing b/c I want it to be too good.
It's not terribly cold -- nothing like early last week.
Going to hit the gym today again during lunch so I can come home and eat chili and have a brewhaha and watch the rest of "Todd Margaret."
Finished A Lesson Before Dying on Saturday and it was a good read. That is what my mock review for the freelance gig will be about.
My legs are sore all over.
Thank you for reading.

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