Monday, January 30, 2012

Word ForW(a)rd

Wearing the new ski mask to along with the bottom so I truly look like I'm going to hold up a bank. That's why people avert their gaze.
Heard some news on Friday before I left that paperwork had been moved so that I will have a new job soon but I place no stock in it, or at least I tell myself that, b/c I have been let down before. But it was from a credible source with no personal stake in it.
Started reading Agent 6 this morning and though it's 470 pgs I know I'm going to crank this one out. I forgot how Smith does his dialogue, but it's all good. I love this stuff, these works of historical fiction in different lands where someone has the internal & external struggles constantly. We'll see how Leo does this time around, as this is the last of this trilogy.
I had a great workout on Saturday, and benched 185 in sets of 8, 8, 7, 7. Took it easy yesterday as I was too tired but I'm hitting it tonite as I have a sworn verbal statement from my mate.
Keeping my expectations low and reasonable.
Thank you for reading.

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