Thursday, October 29, 2015

Winning? Sure -- #21 / 739


If I can pull this out within 20 minutes I can bill at 915.

I hit the gym pretty hard last night and was there until about 1120pm.

My legs were pretty much left to rest, since I didn't bike yesterday either. I'm feeling pretty limber for it.  It's so hospitable outside. I don't need my running jacket, either.

I've got songs about winning on the list. Probably also b/c I was listening to Jay Mohr interview Charlie Sheen yesterday that I will resume today.  There's not a whole lot to discuss I just want to make today as good as possible.

When I hear "Win Hands Down" as I'm on the Bridge, I am so fueled.  I also wonder how someone in their right mind could hear this and not want to take off.  How dull must some people be?

Thank you for reading.


Duff McKagan's Loaded - "Executioner's Song," "Dead Skin," "We Win"

Armored Saint - "That Was Then, Way Back When"

Tuesday, October 27, 2015

The Few Minutes Make the Difference - #20 / 738


Foo Fighters - Something From Nothing

In an unexpected turn of events, the train pulled in a tiny bit early, which enables me to crank out an 18-minute ride and still claim 915am start time.

I'm ready to rock this morning.  A little groggy but it's cool outside and the worst of the week has passed.  The networking must resume, as must 'Outsourcing, Part 2.'

I heard the Foo's song at CitiField and it rocked.  Nearly every song he releases is great -- the only clunker was "White Limo." Just doesn't sound like a Foo song.

Lights were kind during this ride. I noticed I could make the right on Willoughby earlier to get through the Poly campus but it's not worth it.

RHCP - Readymade //  Amazing to think I've had this album for nearly 10 years.

I have the timing down for the light on Tillary and if I hustle a little bit I can make the Right Turn Only light and get on to the Bridge a little faster.

On the Bridge I noticed two things:  1.  Three couples portraits being taken; 2. The volume for Gamma Ray's "Salvation's Calling" was not up enough.

Van Halen - Stay Frosty // "God is love, but get it in writing..."

The descent was good and fast and I was able to cross over pretty good, though one other rider at the start of Ann Street briefly scolded me for going in the opposite direction (I broke hard for a sec).

That's all.  A fast, 18-minute ride.  Going to be in and out today.

Thank you for reading.

Monday, October 26, 2015

Denver!!! #19 / 737


I took the 818 b/c my past me did my current me a favor and left my keys in the bag. However, my past me forgot that his past incarnation hooked him up.

I only need a handful of songs today b/c they are all a little longer.  I'm pretty confident I can do this inside of 20 minutes today.

After a good workout yesterday morning I'm feeling pretty good just a little tired, having been up last night doing some blogging but I saw that it's approved with no changes so all good.

Listening to Terrell this morning b/c I'm anticipating his debut's arrival this morning and "Georgia O'Keefe" is on it.  So my hope is that I'm listening to the hi-fi, revamped version of the song and that there's something totally different.  The "F.U." part hit as I was at the Flatbush crossing. I had a chance to look up and actually see the building sitting on the spot where I used to eat and ponder my career and existence whilst at Metrotech.

Two Wolf tracks, "Hiding in Shadows," and "Blood Angels" propelled me to and on the Bridge.  There is a line in the former about a "beast" and that makes me like them that much more.  I'm going to have add them to my regular riding rotation a bit more.  These were the last tracks I needed to hear so I can say I've broken in the album.  They may be the two best, too.

Getting on the Bridge a good looking woman wearing a miniskirt and stockings took off a little bit.  She needed a helmet (worth noting she works in my building on my floor at another company and I nicely told her so). I passed a couple of dudes with full-size bikes and then they passed me again.  Pedestrians did all right this morning so I didn't really need to use the brake -- even made the light on Park Row.  I uncharacteristically didn't take my normal route and went in through my afternoon exit which was a mistake b/c there's construction there. Foo Fighters "Resolve" played as I walked my bike a couple of blocks.

I did make it in a hair over 20 minutes, and I'm sure walking the bike made it that long.

Thank you for reading.

545pm - approx 610pm

Worth noting 2 things during last night's slightly-later-than-usual return ride:

1. I'm getting sick of hearing the word 'suicide' being used in my songs.  It's getting annoying.  Except for Rollins Band's "Shine," where Henry's dismissing the idea of it completely.

2. Right around the time I was on Ashland (so a total of maybe 4 minutes), I heard police sirens twice. Once crossing over Flatbush and once as I approached the last couple of blocks before ATL.  I can now assume it was due to the shooting that occurred -- possibly simultaneously -- as I was around the corner.

Friday, October 23, 2015

Shouldn't I Be Sorer? #18 / 736


I would think my killer 1:53 workout last night would've knocked me out entirely but my body seems to be handling it all right.  My right hand aches a bit, right where the thumb meets the palm. My workout globe needs to be stitched there and I wonder if that contributed.

I want to recap my meals b/c I think that contributed:

1pm Lunch:  Genovese Slice
3pm Lunch:  Deep Dish Slice
4pm snack: Apple
730 pm Dinner: Meatloaf and Peas...followed by chocolate & sugar.
11pm Banana & Whey & Yogurt Smoothie

For breakfast I had an egg & cheese on artisanal bread.

On to the ride.

I do not need metal this morning.  In fact everything sounds a little muted.  

Terrell - "Strawdogs"
RHCP - "Lately," "Save the Population"
Foo Fighters - "The Feast & The Famine"
ELO - "Long Black Road"
Joe Jackson - "One More Time"

It's 10 degrees cooler than yesterday but it's not so severe.  I probably could've gotten away with wearing shorts again.

Except for Flatbush I barely waited at a red today.  Even made the one to the Bridge right in that sweet moment when the right-turn light fades and the cars can't yet move.  

The buff jogging dude was already on his decline as I made my incline and I only mention him b/c it's the first time he's wearing a shirt that covers the spot above his junk.

Today is the 15th consecutive ride day...yes there was last Tuesday night where I did not return ride but still it's pretty friggin good.  Though I pigged out yesterday I think all the calories will be burned pretty quickly and efficiently.  

I am looking forward to just getting some work done and getting the heck to the weekend.  I have some blog posts to consider with the lawyer and I am curious about the Pharma exec who I now can follow.

There was a traffic build-up on Ann St. so I had to walk the bike at one point there. 

Thursday, October 22, 2015

Last Day of Summer Weather - #17 / 735


Missed 806. Every other morning with the car I've been wrong.  Yesterday at the same time I arrived there were 3 spots in the main lot...Same thing Monday.


I've got two layers on top but wearing shorts. Yesterday was so warm and today's the forecasted final repeat so I reckon it's nice to wear some lighter clothes.

Immediately out on to Ashland I had to take the bike on the sidewalk, there was too much slow, construction backups that in "Truman Show" fashion ended after I walked around it.

I probably missed the light at Flatbush b/c of it but I'm not getting nuts over that, either.  I am so pumped for my workout tonight.  I'm going to destroy every calorie inside me.

The Mets won last night and will be in the Series so Dad and I will absolutely be going there Friday.  I'm more excited now that I know we have good seats at face value.

It was a pretty unremarkable ride -- a couple of selfish drivers but nothing worth posting about.  I had a good decline and listened to some good tunes.  I chose a couple off Blues Traveler's Bridge, because, well....

Miri said she wanted to give me a kiss before I left.  Then she did.

Thank you for reading.


Red Hot Chili Peppers: "Warlocks"
Red Dragon Cartel: "Shout It Out"
Blues Traveler: "You Reach Me," "You're Burning Me"
Monster Magnet: "Live For The Moment"

Return ride was to Penn.  Do you see what happens when you first remember your wallet at the Bridge?  Do you SEE what HAPPENS?

Still did it in 20 minutes and I was not pushing as hard as I could.

Did not listen to music, though.

Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Fighting A One-Glass-Of-Wine Headache - #16 / 734


Mapmyrun was not working as it should so I will just log it afterward.  I'm fighting a headache that came from oversleep and lack of calories.  I had a Zola coconut water with espresso on the train, so at least I had the foresight to hydrate.

It's sunny and warm this morning and I'm almost overdressed.  On the train I finally gave Jimbo Mathus' Dark Night of the Soul a fair listen and I really am in to it now. I think I couldn't give it its due because it was purchased along with a ton of other things that I was more excited about.  It's got a tiny bit of southern twang to it, which put me in the mood to listen to Terrell for the opening track of my ride.  Terrell - "Blacktop Runaways."  My head's pounding a bit and I don't want anything too heavy and I'm not going to work too hard to get to the office.  Long as I'm there by 930, I'm fine.  I would be really surprised if I arrived at my destination by the end of the last song.

That was the mentality, but as it happened I don't think I hit any red lights that lasted more than 10 seconds.  Wolfmother - Sundial.  Crossed over Flatbush seamlessly and even crossing Tillary and in to the Bridge was pretty easy.  I added two Your Highness Electric tracks to the list this morning, since they are a B-version of Wolfmother -- "Handing Out Hairlips" and "Bearskin Love."

On the decline the little cop vehicle started right ahead of me and the other cyclists.  That just sort of prolonged the headacheagony.  However, I was able to immediately make the light on to Park Row and crossed over without incident and made it down Nassau just as "Right Now" was ending.  When I hear that song I'm simultaneously 13 and 26 and in the present.  I've always been glad I heard Sammy play it live and do a stripped down version.

This was an 18 to 19-minute ride.

Thank you for reading.

Tuesday, October 20, 2015

The Full Pound - #15 / 733


I should be about 30 minutes earlier but I may have lost a lot of weight this morning.  In actual fact, this ride should put me over the 3,500-calorie mark.

Just found out Greg Dulli is touring again in March so I will have some plans.  Hope they don't conflict with Helloween.  I was going to listen to a Blind Guardian song but it was an acoustic one and it had a lot of live cheering-only and I wasn't going to waste 7 minutes that way. I will remove it from the iPod, too, to make room for other stuff.

"King" by Fireball Ministry is my first song and this band is better than I remember.  The singer's not as raspy as I'd recalled.  My legs are still a little sore but I'll push them harder Thursday at the gym.

Hammerfall's "Keep the Flame Burning" started as I made the path toward the Bridge and it rocks, perfectly segueing in to "Paint a New World," my favorite song off Gambling With The Devil.

Airbourne's "Black Dog Barking" played as I got off the Bridge and I was doing fine until I got to the corner of Fulton and Nassau, where everything was a stand-still.  A truck blocked the whole intersection and I asked a ticket-writing cop if he was going to do anything about the box blocker.  So I felt a little cheated that Enforcer's "The Banshee" was wasted on slow, cautious riding and the occasional walking.

It's cold but I've got gloves today so my extremities are covered.  I have to make it a point to leave on time today.

I still feel good about the positive feedback I received yesterday from the Sept 30 assignment.

Thank you for reading.

Monday, October 19, 2015

Electrodrenaline - #14 / 732


Had to take the 818 this morning. Just couldn't get moving fast enough today.  But I move really fast on the bike b/c I'm stronger now so I'm not worried about making it by 930.  It's just pretty cold this morning. I'm glad I am wearing the black active sweater and had the foresight to put on some lip balm.

My workout yesterday was really good but it should have been tougher. I did my whole body except my shoulders but I'm not doing the weights as heavy as I'd been pre-back spasm.  I have to give that a little more time.

Coming up Willoughby it was nearly my last stop, as I made the light with milliseconds to spare, but a driver also wanted to turn right (probably after it was red) and we could've collided right in front of the work site but we both slowed down just enough.  Lesson learned.  But that sort of propelled me through the rest of the ride.

I can certainly feel the difference in my heartbeat and pulse and the electrodrenaline that courses through my veins when that sort of thing happens. I took one beat to compose myself and moved on.

I made it down the Bridge pretty swiftly and arrived at the bike rack at exactly 930.

Lotta work to do today. Let's do it.

Thank you for reading.


Judas Priest: "Killing Machine," "Running Wild"
Armored Saint: "Real Swagger"
Duff McKagan's Loaded: "Lords of Abaddon"
Union: "Around Again"

The return ride saw my missing the 540 by maybe a minute.

I don't know what happens to me at 5:00, I just don't move fast enough to get out the door.  My legs are a  little sore from yesterday's workout. Some a-hole didn't want to move again on my decline.  They're such tough guys.

At least today I got some positive feedback re: the writing I did for BuzzMaestro.  Thank god!

Today was my parents' 40th anniversary.

The Fool Dark Moor Tarot  5:24 PM
End Of Time Diablo Blvd Follow The Deadlights 5:29 PM
The Star Dark Moor Tarot  5:33 PM
Hell Will Follow Enforcer From Beyond 5:37 PM
Mask Of Red Death Enforcer From Beyond  5:43 PM

Friday, October 16, 2015

Two Straight Weeks (with one minor exception) #13 / 731


I slept hard today and I'm surprised I'm here now.  Stratovarius - "Twilight Symphony."  Nice & long and got me to the Bridge.

I have a little bit of boogers in my throat that I kept trying to cough up.

Battling a bit of an overtired feeling -- it's a hangover without the nausea.  I didn't have anything to drink last night so a hangover is impossible.  My neck is bothering me a bit so I will take an Aleve when I arrive.

I like The Sword and am trying to break in their stuff but "The Hidden Masters" was not the right song for the Bridge, as it was too slow.

There's a tentative hike tomorrow so I'll be in good shape for that.  Sevendust's "Seasons" is a good hard rock song, especially for being on the Bridge.  I wish it were on Time Travelers.  That album keeps me coming back.

On the train today I listened to "Long Black Road" and as absurd as it may seem, I have my "heavy load" in the form of this backpack (probably what's upsetting my neck).

Hoping to make today as easy-going as possible.  Every time I get to Ann Street there is a heavy guy with an oversize yamulke standing on the right side of the street (my right).  It's almost as big as a backward hat.

Thank you for reading.

Thursday, October 15, 2015

Trying to Lose my Gut. #12 / 730


I still have a slightly sore throat. I think it hit after Monday night but w/e let's get on with it.

My playlist this morning was originally for Mon or Tues morning but I forgot to use it.  Iron Maiden's "Moonchild" and Ex Libris's "Suspended Animation" got us most of the way from the street to the incline.  I remember thinking as I passed the hospital that in many ways I am like an original member of a band who left to do a solo record and was retained as a session player.  Kind of like Chris DeGarmo on Queensryche's Tribe or Richard Wright on Momentary Lapse.

It's getting a bit cooler out but that's fine we can handle it.

My gut is growing and even though I'm doing all this biking it's not the same as running nor actually working my abs and core.  I'll see if I can rectify that tonight.  Upon my 14th round trip (or 28th one-way) I should have shed about a pound just from the biking.  (250 calories a day x 14 days = 3,500 cal = 1 lb.)

I stopped at the first pillar of the Bridge just to take some shots. I concede to missing out on doing this last year as well as when I took the West Side Highway, I'd have killer shots of Freedom Tower being built.

Immediately after, Lee Harvey Oswald Band, "You Talk Sunshine...I Breathe Fire," came on, sending me back about 18 years.  I have a hard time believing Rick Sims played bass in this band b/c he's way too good of a guitarist but one day all will be revealed.

My descent was pretty good and uneventful.  My last song was Kruk, "Jestem Bogiem," the Polish-language version of a song earlier on the album (I think it's "Master Blaster"). I like listening to some songs in their native tongue. Both versions have the growled vocals at the end, which is a little bit of a shock when you first hear it, b/c I wouldn't even consider this metal.  But it works just well enough.

It's a pretty typical day and I want it to go by pretty swiftly.

Thank you for reading.

Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Using Energy, Not Dwelling #11 / 729


We was here a long time yesterday. Literally left about 12 hours ago.  The old me would have been really upset but not so much anymore.  It's a combination of it not being completely my fault and being able to empathize and also seeing the bigger picture.  I care.  Even if I'm temporary, I care. I saw the whole project through.  I remember how this went 2 years ago and it was a disaster.  I do not really recall last year's upload date for SF, which I guess is good.  I did not ride home last nite since I left so late I could take a car service.  Not worth riding in the dark that late in Brooklyn.  So in terms of total round-trips, I am off by half. 

It's a pleasant morning.  Not as congested as yesterday (or as I was expecting). I'm actually in a decent mood.  I'm listening to songs off Terrell's Beautiful Side Of Madness.  The little opening track and then "Hopeful Sinner" and "Convince Myself." The music is upbeat soul-fried-funk.  I first heard this about 20 years ago on a CMJ sampler and am a little surprised I wasn't more interested. But then again, there wasn't really an internet in 1995 and I guess I was seeking something else (grunge, mostly).  Thankfully, "Hopeful Sinner" was catchy enough to hang out in the attic of my brain and I think I'm responding to it b/c I'm getting in to some more folk/americana type music.  If you mix that with some RHCP-style funk, it works (at least in this case).

The song had ended just as I reached my old Metrotech building, just to indicate how fast I was moving.  

As I was coming up Jay Street, I notice the sign indicating that there's work being done in the bike lane, which would be fine if people weren't double parking in it, too.  About a half-block up from me, I saw a woman on a full-size almost topple a dude just walking through the stopped cars, maybe two lengths from the light.  That would have been totally his fault.  I'm glad I saw it because it helped me later.  I saw the woman as we got to the bridge and we quipped about it briefly. Then I was off b/c "Stone Cold Bush" came on and I felt great.  

There is a spot during the morning incline just before where concrete becomes wood, where I can feel my body adjust.  Legs tighten and I try to straighten my back out.  I can feel the tender spot on my spine against the bag.  

Henry and the gang came on for "Up For It" while I was a the peak and during the descent. I sang much of the song.  I moved pretty quickly and didn't brake very much.  The stop at the light at the bottom could have been shorter but I couldn't see the cars.

On Nassau and Fulton, someone was crossing behind cars and I almost hit her (it would've been 51% my fault, since I'm going across traffic) but we both stopped in time.  

An Ex Libris song came on and it rocks so I'll play it again later.  

Finished in 17:44.

Thank you for reading.

Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Back In The Swing - #10 / 728

Train was a little delayed today as we sat in Jamaica for a while.

I do not have my lock since it may rain this afternoon so I'm feeling a little lighter. I tossed my empty Vita Coco Latte in the garbage. It was actually pretty tasty.

The Answer's "New Day Rising" is my first track this morning.  I erroneously thought it was off New Horizon, but it's off Revival, which explains why it's better than I'd thought and is not as choppy.  I like New Horizon but I will eventually really like Revival.  "Concrete" is off NH and I do not really recall it now.  Not to say I didn't like it at the time.  It was likely playing as I arrived at the Bridge, where a blonde lady with a small backpack was getting ready to run it.  Gave her the thumbs up.  Good for her.

"Battle's Won" by Helloween is now on and the Bridge is pretty light. I remember this day 2 years ago when the SF publication was being produced and I was livid.  I'm just removed enough to not get so upset.

I was happy I could hit the gym last night for the first time in weeks. I hate that it's after dinner but I have to take what I can get.  I did chest, back and tris, plus about 6.5 minutes of ropes. Mets hit a 3-run homer during one of my ropes sets so I couldn't stop to watch it live.  The gym cheered as it happened.

Accept's "Shake Your Heads" as I decline.  There's a guy on a full size bike moving too slow for my liking right in front of me.

I listened to most of "Balls To The Wall" by the time I reached the office.  There should be some music waiting for me, which I will ACCEPT.

Thank you for reading.

Monday, October 12, 2015

Elegy morning but it's not that dire #9 / 727

858 am

There was about a minute left of "Muscle Memory" left so I let it play out and then on to my Elegy playlist.  

I'm feeling much better than on Friday and I'm proud of myself for seeing the week through.  However I need to start hitting the gym again soon because I'm losing all tone and cannot look in the mirror.  In hindsight I was in my best shape in May-July.  Probably because I hated old manager and had something to rage against.  Now that's not really the case.  I'll have to dig something up.  

I try to read up on copywriting but my attention span is no good today.  

There's work to be done.  We'll see how the next two days go.  Once they're over, this week has a little more breathing room.

It's Columbus Day, so there were less cars in the lot, and on the road and people on the Bridge.  All good.  

I made it down here in under 19 minutes.  I think I accidentally skipped the end of "Spanish Inquisition."


Poisoned Hearts - from Supremacy
Suppression - from State of Mind
Pilgrims Parade - from Principles of Pain
Spanish Inquisition - from Lost
The Great Charade - from Forbidden Fruit

Thank you for reading.

Friday, October 9, 2015

First full week??? #8 / 726


Faring a little bit better than yesterday.  It will rain later on but I'm doing this anyway and left the lock @ home. It will be interesting to see if I can do a full week on the bike.  My nose is a bit runny but not as bad as yesterday but the rest of the day remains.

Movement is pretty fluid today.  I can fly at certain points, and was able to cross Flatbush about 7 seconds earlier than yesterday.  That doesn't seem like much, I know, but it's a testament to lesser traffic and faster pedaling.  Despite that my energy level is a little lower, I can still crank it out, which is encouraging.

I am using the dictation for the notes in my phone to get ideas ready for the next lawyer blog post.  It will save me time in the long run and I'm glad to do the work but I have to get more ideas ready for future weeks.  At least I do not have to schlep a computer with me.

I can still taste some of the sore throat spray, it's mostly gross.

No word yet from the Buzz person -- expect the worst, hope for the best.

Did the ride in just under 20 and that was with hopping off at Fulton.  I realize I have no carbs waiting for me for lunch so I'll grab some pretzels from someone.

Jane's Addiction, "Great Escape Artist":

End To The Lies
Curiosity Kills
Irresistible Force
I'll Hit You Back

Thank you for reading.

It's worth noting that it rained on the way back yesterday around the time I was at the Bridge's peak.

Thursday, October 8, 2015

Deceitfully Nice Morning #7 / 725


Never eating curry again.  That stuff is great for clearing out my sinuses but that's about it.  My lips were shredded and I spent way too long on the john this morning.  I had to sleep downstairs for a bit b/c I kept chuching at 2am.

I felt a lot better when I awoke, though.

It's deceptively nice outside this morning.  Absolutely wonderful for riding. I was able to just make the light crossing Flatbush and did a fine job making my way after that.  I'm almost over-dressed for the ride.  I'm glad I am able to pull it off today b/c tomorrow's looking like rain.

There's nothing much to report in the way of my feelings about the music. My head is not there and I can't hear it too well.  I do not have a lot of intensity lately, especially feeling this run down, so it's just there as emergency fuel.  I like it all but maybe I can integrate some easier stuff on the return ride.  The decline was pretty good today I had the lane to myself, unlike yesterday.  My right leg and knee are more sensitive to these rides.

I stopped at CVS once I hit Nassau to get some cold medicine.

Ian Parry - Criminals & Kings
Ride the Sky - New Protection
Red Dragon Cartel - War Machine
Helloween - Claws

Thank you for reading.

Wednesday, October 7, 2015

The Day After #6 / 724


Throat a little scratchy. I did pretty well except for crossing Flatbush.

Rollins Band Shine 5:27 Weight 10/7/2015 9:10 AM 1/28/2014 9:32 PM 7
Circle II Circle Redemption 5:30 Consequence of Power 10/7/2015 9:16 AM 2/3/2015 9:54 PM 4
Circle II Circle Never Gonna Stop 4:21 Seasons Will Fall 10/7/2015 9:20 AM 6/4/2015 9:18 PM 2

Circle II Circle is good but nearly all the songs sound the same when they are uptempo.

Elegy Supremacy 5:01 Supremacy 10/7/2015 9:25 AM 8/15/2015 3:28 PM 2


Not a bad day I just want to go home. I used to be really pissy on a day like today but I kind of don't care anymore.

Exumer Fire & Damnation 3:17 Metal Blade 30th Anniversary Sampler   10/7/2015 5:19 PM 3/15/2014 10:51 AM 1
Wolfpakk Ride The Bullet 4:13 Wolfpakk 10/7/2015 5:23 PM 11/3/2014 6:45 AM 4
Widowmaker The Iron Road 4:25 Stand By For Pain 10/7/2015 5:28 PM 1/14/2015 6:49 AM 4

Somewhere in this song I was declining pretty fast.

Wami The Rider 4:26 Kill The King 10/7/2015 5:32 PM 2/22/2015 4:33 PM 5
The Sword Seven Sisters 3:31 Apocryphon 10/7/2015 5:36 PM 9/16/2015 8:12 PM 1

Thank you for reading.

Tuesday, October 6, 2015

1st Pub Day in a While #5 / 723


I had another playlist ready to go but I was already listening to Accept and just let it run.

I'm oversleeping big time.  I think the combination of slowly losing my edge, the weather, reacclimating and the unknown are taking their toll on me.  My eyes are tired and red.

Udo sounds like a weird cross b/w Brian Johnson and Bon Scott singing over Judas Priest.  It works for me, now, but I can see where the appeal gets lost.  Had this been better received by Beavis & Butt-Head, I'd have been a fan in 1995.  Same can be said for Overkill.

There was a gathering of two-wheelers at the bridge crossing at Tillary.

I'm reading about writing copy so that I can gear up for whatever comes next.  Time to walk the walk and right the write.

I have to oversee a publication printing today. Memory lane.

Thankfully there were not many pedestrians on the decline.

The other playlist will run during my return trip.

Made it here in 20 minutes.

Thank you for reading.

Princess of the Dawn
Head Over Heels
Flash Rockin' Man
Losing More Than You've Ever Had
Neon Nights (half)

I am desensitized to how dreadful staying late at this job is. Maybe it's because I'm being paid hourly now. I'm glad to have the work and all but this was all effing day.

I did not move terribly fast -- I had ample time and it's pitch black out.  I can barely hear Keeper Pt. 2 playing from the phone from a side pocket of the backpack.

There are worse ways to earn a living.

Thank you for reading.

Monday, October 5, 2015

Crowded Bridge / #4 / 722

There's nothing terribly interesting to write today.

It's colder in the mornings now.  I'm prepared, though.

Into The Gutter 4:03 The Answer Rise Rock 10/5/2015 8:42 AM 4

The work right outside ATL is keeping me from moving too fast.  It took about a whole song to get too short of a distance for my liking.

Gone Too Long 4:00 The Answer Raise A Little Hell Rock 10/5/2015 8:46 AM 2
Get Up 9 4:38 Diablo Blvd Follow The Deadlights Metal 10/5/2015 8:51 AM 2
Real Swagger 4:21 Armored Saint Nod To The Old School Metal 10/5/2015 8:55 AM 15

The bridge is getting crowded at night. I should buy some lights.

...As The Crow Flies 5:59 Newsted Heavy Metal Music Metal 10/5/2015 6:43 PM 1
Rusty Cage 4:28 Soundgarden Badmotorfinger Rock 10/5/2015 6:48 PM 1
Live Fast Die Young 3:01 Black Tide Light From Above Punk 10/5/2015 6:51 PM 4
Wheel Of Fortune 3:59 Dark Moor Tarot Metal 10/5/2015 6:55 PM 1
How Long 4:06 Gamma Ray Majestic Metal 10/5/2015 6:59 PM 4

Thank you for reading.