Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Using Energy, Not Dwelling #11 / 729


We was here a long time yesterday. Literally left about 12 hours ago.  The old me would have been really upset but not so much anymore.  It's a combination of it not being completely my fault and being able to empathize and also seeing the bigger picture.  I care.  Even if I'm temporary, I care. I saw the whole project through.  I remember how this went 2 years ago and it was a disaster.  I do not really recall last year's upload date for SF, which I guess is good.  I did not ride home last nite since I left so late I could take a car service.  Not worth riding in the dark that late in Brooklyn.  So in terms of total round-trips, I am off by half. 

It's a pleasant morning.  Not as congested as yesterday (or as I was expecting). I'm actually in a decent mood.  I'm listening to songs off Terrell's Beautiful Side Of Madness.  The little opening track and then "Hopeful Sinner" and "Convince Myself." The music is upbeat soul-fried-funk.  I first heard this about 20 years ago on a CMJ sampler and am a little surprised I wasn't more interested. But then again, there wasn't really an internet in 1995 and I guess I was seeking something else (grunge, mostly).  Thankfully, "Hopeful Sinner" was catchy enough to hang out in the attic of my brain and I think I'm responding to it b/c I'm getting in to some more folk/americana type music.  If you mix that with some RHCP-style funk, it works (at least in this case).

The song had ended just as I reached my old Metrotech building, just to indicate how fast I was moving.  

As I was coming up Jay Street, I notice the sign indicating that there's work being done in the bike lane, which would be fine if people weren't double parking in it, too.  About a half-block up from me, I saw a woman on a full-size almost topple a dude just walking through the stopped cars, maybe two lengths from the light.  That would have been totally his fault.  I'm glad I saw it because it helped me later.  I saw the woman as we got to the bridge and we quipped about it briefly. Then I was off b/c "Stone Cold Bush" came on and I felt great.  

There is a spot during the morning incline just before where concrete becomes wood, where I can feel my body adjust.  Legs tighten and I try to straighten my back out.  I can feel the tender spot on my spine against the bag.  

Henry and the gang came on for "Up For It" while I was a the peak and during the descent. I sang much of the song.  I moved pretty quickly and didn't brake very much.  The stop at the light at the bottom could have been shorter but I couldn't see the cars.

On Nassau and Fulton, someone was crossing behind cars and I almost hit her (it would've been 51% my fault, since I'm going across traffic) but we both stopped in time.  

An Ex Libris song came on and it rocks so I'll play it again later.  

Finished in 17:44.

Thank you for reading.

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