Monday, October 26, 2015

Denver!!! #19 / 737


I took the 818 b/c my past me did my current me a favor and left my keys in the bag. However, my past me forgot that his past incarnation hooked him up.

I only need a handful of songs today b/c they are all a little longer.  I'm pretty confident I can do this inside of 20 minutes today.

After a good workout yesterday morning I'm feeling pretty good just a little tired, having been up last night doing some blogging but I saw that it's approved with no changes so all good.

Listening to Terrell this morning b/c I'm anticipating his debut's arrival this morning and "Georgia O'Keefe" is on it.  So my hope is that I'm listening to the hi-fi, revamped version of the song and that there's something totally different.  The "F.U." part hit as I was at the Flatbush crossing. I had a chance to look up and actually see the building sitting on the spot where I used to eat and ponder my career and existence whilst at Metrotech.

Two Wolf tracks, "Hiding in Shadows," and "Blood Angels" propelled me to and on the Bridge.  There is a line in the former about a "beast" and that makes me like them that much more.  I'm going to have add them to my regular riding rotation a bit more.  These were the last tracks I needed to hear so I can say I've broken in the album.  They may be the two best, too.

Getting on the Bridge a good looking woman wearing a miniskirt and stockings took off a little bit.  She needed a helmet (worth noting she works in my building on my floor at another company and I nicely told her so). I passed a couple of dudes with full-size bikes and then they passed me again.  Pedestrians did all right this morning so I didn't really need to use the brake -- even made the light on Park Row.  I uncharacteristically didn't take my normal route and went in through my afternoon exit which was a mistake b/c there's construction there. Foo Fighters "Resolve" played as I walked my bike a couple of blocks.

I did make it in a hair over 20 minutes, and I'm sure walking the bike made it that long.

Thank you for reading.

545pm - approx 610pm

Worth noting 2 things during last night's slightly-later-than-usual return ride:

1. I'm getting sick of hearing the word 'suicide' being used in my songs.  It's getting annoying.  Except for Rollins Band's "Shine," where Henry's dismissing the idea of it completely.

2. Right around the time I was on Ashland (so a total of maybe 4 minutes), I heard police sirens twice. Once crossing over Flatbush and once as I approached the last couple of blocks before ATL.  I can now assume it was due to the shooting that occurred -- possibly simultaneously -- as I was around the corner.

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