Friday, October 9, 2015

First full week??? #8 / 726


Faring a little bit better than yesterday.  It will rain later on but I'm doing this anyway and left the lock @ home. It will be interesting to see if I can do a full week on the bike.  My nose is a bit runny but not as bad as yesterday but the rest of the day remains.

Movement is pretty fluid today.  I can fly at certain points, and was able to cross Flatbush about 7 seconds earlier than yesterday.  That doesn't seem like much, I know, but it's a testament to lesser traffic and faster pedaling.  Despite that my energy level is a little lower, I can still crank it out, which is encouraging.

I am using the dictation for the notes in my phone to get ideas ready for the next lawyer blog post.  It will save me time in the long run and I'm glad to do the work but I have to get more ideas ready for future weeks.  At least I do not have to schlep a computer with me.

I can still taste some of the sore throat spray, it's mostly gross.

No word yet from the Buzz person -- expect the worst, hope for the best.

Did the ride in just under 20 and that was with hopping off at Fulton.  I realize I have no carbs waiting for me for lunch so I'll grab some pretzels from someone.

Jane's Addiction, "Great Escape Artist":

End To The Lies
Curiosity Kills
Irresistible Force
I'll Hit You Back

Thank you for reading.

It's worth noting that it rained on the way back yesterday around the time I was at the Bridge's peak.

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