Wednesday, December 7, 2011

baptism in the rain.

I don't need headphones today, as I've got this in my head.
I felt badly about a work-related matter that, though ultimately my fault, I did not consciously do.
So I drank some of Pop's scotch-whiskey last nite to drown my sorrows and though I woke up without a hangover I still felt slightly wretched, and decided that riding this morning was possible and the physical manifestation of the mental punishment I'd put myself through. I also think of it as something of a baptism. I know the rain is going to worsen -- and with road conditions already awful at Church Street, I might leave early and take the WSH back up. I've never done that and we'll see how it works out.
It's good to be tough on oneself, so that when the world -- no matter how big nor small -- does the same you are prepared for it.
There are a few runners and cyclists few and far between but we are in this together.
I endured it this ride and now I can put the moroseness behind me.
No work for another few days. No Smithers today. At least things are looking up.
Thank you for reading.

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