Monday, December 5, 2011

There was a time on the highway

It is foggy today, but mild and it's nice to be without a sweatshirt. No doubt I will bring the bike inside. The catch is that I'd like to go running today but I probably won't as I can feel both (?) knees feeling off today.

What up with that?

I ran 8.4-8.8 mi (2 roundtrips) on the boardwalk yesterday in 67 minutes. That's a good time and all, but my shin splints were protruding and different parts of my lower body are going through new sorenesses. I ran through it and finished strong but I cannot attribute this to any one thing. Sometimes I wonder if it's my running shoes and the way I'm tying them. My knees did not bother me during the run at all but my ankles and shins did.

My week will be shorter than 5 days this week. I will be able to accomplish little bits of things here and there thanks to it. A certain sycophant being out on Wednesday makes my week and remaining days off more interesting.

I didn't ready anything this weekend but resumed GE this morning at exactly pg 300. No rush.

For some reason "There Was a Time" was in my dream/awakening this weekend and I suppose I'd forgotten about it for a while. It's a great song. It's not about regret but about hindsight. It came on today as I was on the highway just at the WFC.

Need to have the gutters blown out.

Thank you for reading.

Gnarls Barkley: "Smiley Faces" "Feng Shui" "Just a Thought" "Storm Coming" "The Last Time"
GNR: "Catcher In the Rye"

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