Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Rt # 525

Chased the train from Oceanside to E. Rock. and made it in the nick of time.

That hasn't happened in a while, and when I push myself that hard and quickly, while having to inhale cold air it only strengthens my resolve. Of course, it takes at least 5 minutes to come down from a rush like that. When this happens, it's better to have it happen in the summer for this reason, since it's easier to breathe warmer air. The shock my body can endure is pretty cool, though. That I'm fit enough to ride on command like that is admirable, but of course I do not rely on that.

Anyway, the train was late coming in. I finished reading DC's version of Ghost Rider, El Diablo. Eh, it was ok. I like the artists, they did the Kevin Smith Green Arrow run, but it doesn't always work when they are dealing with monsters and spirits and demons. The story was sort of generic but the demonic Hebrew deity was an interesting spin. I imagined El Diablo to sound like General Grievous from "Star Wars" even though he was supposed to be of Mexican descent.

I'm able to ride the high this morning and I'm moving pretty fast as I go south. Listening to GNR.

There's a small list of things to accomplish for the holidays that needs to be fulfilled really soon.

Thank you for reading.

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