Tuesday, December 6, 2011

drizzling if at all.

Megadeth Th1rt3en today.
Read 50 pgs of GE yesterday and it ended on the big twist. The clues were there all along and now it is picking up immediately after.
It is drizzling on and off today but it's completely navigable and dry from ground up.
The ride home might be a different story, of course.
My left knee again is still a pain when I ride. I wonder if it has anything to do with changing fish oils (from Wholemega to concentrated stuff). I could've overworked it with the running but it doesn't effect me during running. Perhaps it's just adjusting to the new bike.
There are 2 screws that attach the fender to the back wheel. The left one came off (just as it had done last time) but there is a magnetized guard there that substitutes and keeps it in line. It detaches if I go over a pothole or bump but mostly it stays in there. I will fix that up this weekend. It's hard to find a screw with a flat end, though.
Hoping to just be in and out today.
Thank you for reading.

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