Friday, December 2, 2011

With a Breath and a Scream

I woke up to the feeling that I was getting punched in the face. It got me out of bed at a reasonable time, but I think I've had enough of "American Horror Story" for at least a week.

Another day without a backpack. In my pouch is my Ipod, book and an orange, and in my shirt pocket is my wallet and pants pocket is my keys.

Listening to Pearl Jam, the extra tracks on the remix of Ten and the opening five tracks of Vs. I knew that "Breath and a Scream" existed, but never gave it a shot and I friggin love it. Their older, heavy and long tracks were great b/c it left plenty of room for the best rock solos of the 90s.

As I turned on to 29th, there was a Fiji water truck parked all the way on the left shoulder, completely obstructing the new bike lane. A mail truck was exiting the driveway, and their safety guard quickly started pointing to the lane and lecturing me about how I almost got killed (which wasn't even close to accurate). I calmly responded, "you have to give me a second to get around this truck that's parked in the lane." BFD.

I have hit the mid-point of Great Expectations, as it seems to have been building to this point. My guess is that the relationship b/w Pip and Estella will have to have its trials and tribulations. She tells him upfront, however, that she has no heart in the figurative sense. So it's going to be an uphill climb for him. And even though I slept through the entire film, that sort of set-up is similar to "500 Days of Summer," from what I am told. It's always nice when people let you know that they will keep their guard up around you no matter what.

My right leg is a little tight and left knee a little sore, but only when I ride, so my feeling is that a combination of odd sleeping positions and the weather change are causing it. It's not like when my foot hurt, which was obviously a consequence of the running.

I am going to compose my letter to the DOT this morning.

Thank you for reading.

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